Too Much Attention

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::Angel POV::

I was in science class testing my experiment when one of the jocks walked to me and I looked up"Oh Hello..."

"Hello may I join you?" He asked politely

"I don't mind at all"I moved aside and continued working as he worked by me and my ear twitched as I heard the other girls talk about me

"Just look at her she's taking our jocks and everything we have to get rid of her or do something so embarrassing that she will never forget it and it will ruin her life" they laughed and high gives each other, but I heard every word they said and I knew what they meant.

Why do they hate me so much it's just my first day,Why ruin it because you can't act like yourself That's so mean and cruel I'll show them,and I will prove that I can be who I want to be.

I asked the boy if he could get the teacher for me because I felt like I was being bullied by the girls

"Sure just hold on"he said and he walked to the teacher and told exactly what I had said and then I say the science teacher give off a mean and terrifying glare at the four girls

"Young ladies get over here now!"her yell was so angry and scary that I actually leaped up in fright and everyone laughed thinking it was cute and then I blushed.

::Jocks POV::

She looked so cute and adorable I just couldn't resist her laugh and her smile that I had a crush on her and it was a bad crush too. I walked over to her during lunch and I stood by her making Sure she was fine.

"You alright?"I asked nervously and I tried so hard to blend in with the jocks that I forgot I was like her.

"Yes I'm alright,Thanks for asking" she said as she slowly ate her sushi, I stood there and then the other girls came with their snickering and their mean glare and they stood in front of her.

"This isn't where you belong,your different and No one will ever except you at all because your a freak and all freaks are alone and in the shadows" they said this with an evil attitude and with a mean look in their eyes.

"Hey this isn't just for you guys it's for everyone and you don't own anything at all, so she has the right to sit here just like we all do." I said firmly and with a slight tone of anger.

"N-no it's fine alright." She said as she got up and walked away.

I looked at her and followed I didn't want her to not have friends and it seemed like I was her first and only friend she could trust.

::Angel's POV::

I was angry and I didn't want to cry so I held it in and I finished my sushi and I walked outside and I cried. "What did I do wrong?"

"You did Nothing wrong" I looked back seeing the Jock who stood up for me and I cleared my tears up and I looked away.

"Why did you follow me...." I said with a soft and half silent voice.

"Because you just don't walk away like that, be who you are don't change yourself because of what they say" he looked at me with a confident look on his face.

"Your right....It's just I'm new and I don't know what to do, I'm just a girl mixed with a cat" I said and I leaped in a tree quickly.

I'm different and That's all he can't change it but maybe I can show my true self and who I really am.

::Jocks POV::

She was amazing and I admired her silky reddish hair and her pure black ears, with her grey and red eye colors. It was different and very unique and I liked it.

"So what are you exactly Angel, I'm very interested in hearing" I said with a soft and curious voice that I heard her giggle.

"I'm a cat and a girl at the Same time, which means I'm a neko." She said calmly and honestly.

"A neko?...."I said confused and I titled me head like a puppy dog in which I was.

"Yes, I'm part animal, part human" she said and she looked at me and her eyes sparkled brightly.

"I'm just like but your beautiful"I said and I made my German shepard ears and tail appear.

::Angel's POV::

I gasped and I jumped out the tree and I smiled happily.I run and hugged him giggling and I purred the most cutest purr ever.

"Angel I'm so glad you helped me show myself, now I'm not afraid to be who I am" he hugged me back and pushed my ears back playfully and kept petting me.

"Hehe, your very welcome in deed and your a handsome german shepard" I purred more and my tail swayed and I smiled and let him go and I blushed.

Someone like me! This is the best day ever,and I just might get along with a german shepard because they have a great attitude and a good way to make people back off. I'm going to love this.

I showed him that I could transform into anything so I transformed my ears and tail into german shepard ears and tail, he smiled and I saw his tail wag, he was very pleased and happy. That's when he got too excited and he kissed my cheek.

I blushed red"d-dont do that"I got shy and embarrassed.

"I'm sorry and by the way I'm Sekun"he said this cheerfully and happy to see me blush.

::Sekun's POV::

I laughed as I saw her blush I was really happy to see her like that and I hugged her warmly.

"You are amazing and you are beautiful as a german shepard"I said this kindly and I felt myself blush.

"Thank you so much, I appreciate it a lot"she giggled and her eyes sparkled like a thousand fireflies and it was a wonderful sight to see, I already knew that I had a huge crush on her but I won't tell her just yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2015 ⏰

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