~Chapter One~

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A BREEZE BLEW INSIDE THE BUILDING the wind brushing the young woman's skin as she sat there in her suit sitting in her leather chair in her office. Her eyes were closed shut with a small cruel smile gracing her face.

The office was filled with 5 of her men, 2 stood outside the room guarding the door while the rest of her men were surrounding the area of her manor. A person laid kneeled down flat on their stomach with a bag covering their face.

One of her men placed their foot on the person's back keeping them still. The office was deadly silent besides the person squirming on the ground trying to break free.

"Remove the bag." She ordered one of her men. You would think that her voice held a softness and sweetness to it but instead it was cold and unfriendly.

The man that had his foot on the person's back keeping them down, removed their foot, grabbing the person's shoulder roughly pulling them up to kneel in front of the mafia boss Y/n. The other name she would go by or people called her would be, "The Devourer."

Ripping the bag off the person's head was a man that looked to be in their mid twenties. They had black hair stuck to their forehead from the sweat, and chocolate brown eyes that held a hint of fear and anger in them.

Glaring at the woman in front of him that was leaned back against the chair. Y/n slowly cracked her eyes open, her sapphire-jade eyes twinkled with mischief in them staring at the man. Her gaze piercing inside his soul.

"Well hello Mark. It's quite nice seeing you here in front of me." She smirked at him giving him a once over.

"You were one of my men, you should've known not to betray me. Did you not learn from the rest of those bastards?" She tutted at him shaking her head in disapproval.

Now standing in front of the man named Mark. He gulped at the sight of her in front of him. Nervousness now showing but trying to hide it.

"You know, maybe I should make your wife my bitch. I mean it's not like you're going to be alive to do anything." She exclaimed letting out a cackle that escaped her mouth, the corners of her eyes crinkling.

Her men joined in, the laughter filling up the office. Mark felt furious at that. He knew he was a goner since he got caught so he at least tried to do something. The laughter in the office ceased as Mark somehow leaned forward and bit Y/n's leg, biting down harshly drawing blood.

A grunt of pain escaped her lips. When that happened, her men shot up into action. One of the men that was holding Mark swung his arm back before swinging it forward, their fist coming in contact with Mark's face causing him to fall down. While they were beating him down one of her other men helped her move to the desk.

Now leaning on her desk for support she cleared her throat catching her men's attention.

"Bring him to me now." Y/n sneered, her blood pumping with rage filling inside her. Her eyes narrowed down at him. Two of the men brought Mark to her who was beaten to a pulp, his face all bloodied.

As he now stood in front of her barely standing, she grabbed a knife from on top of her desk. Taking it out of her scabbard, the knife shining with a glint. Before Mark can even react she stabbed him quickly through his heart, pushing the knife deeper into him. Mark moaned from the pain he was feeling.

He coughed out blood, some of it getting on her face, and suit. Blood dripped down from his mouth as it fell down towards the ground. Y/n leaned in towards Mark whispering into his ear.

"I'm surely going to enjoy fucking your wife before murdering her." She informed him with a wicked smile growing on her face.

"You truly are a devil." He muttered out his last breath.

Quickly pulling out the knife and moving out of the way, Mark pummeled towards the ground.

"Clean my office up and get rid of this piece of shit. I have other business matters to attend." Y/n snapped her orders at them.

Making her way out of her office with her injured leg, the two men guarding the door stood up straight watching her pass by. The last thing Y/n heard from her men was, "Yes Ms.Wolf."

Letting out a tired sigh she sauntered towards her room. She didn't want to do this but this is the world she lives in, she learned to adapt to it, and she fears that she is falling into the darkness even further as she is starting to enjoy this.


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