chapter 6-oh ye of little faith...

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"well?" yas repeated, clearly waiting for an answer. i untangled myself from sam and looked at him hoping he would answer her.

"umm... " i started once i realized that sam wasn't going to help me out in any way even though it was all his fault. 

"you see, i tried to scare you so you would jump into sam's lap but that didn't work and sam ended up freezing you then i told a story and all was back to normal again." i explained all in one breath"but sam has to go now so show him to the door whilst i go to bed.night" i ran up the stairs getting away from that awkward situation as fast as possible.

once i heard the front door close  i released a breath i had been holding since i climbed into bed.

"Aimee are you sure you don't like sam?" yasmin asked while getting in her own bed.

"positive." i answered affirmatively."plus,he is coo-coo for coco puffs for you. don't worry".


the next day at school i was early. i know i know big woop!! walking into my first class of the day,geography; such a bore,when i spotted just the person i wanted to see.

"hey josh." i said sitting down next to him.josh was an all around good guy who liked by every one.he was cute,funny and caring. all in all perfect.

"hey aimee." he even knew my name.which is saying a lot seems as i usually go by yasmin or one of my brothers sisters. it was actually refreshing to be called my proper name by people other than my family.

"so, you know my sister yasmin?" i asked already knowing the answer. no one didn't know her.

"well i am trying to set her up with one of my friends." i carried on only to be interrupted by josh.

"no offense aimee,but i wouldn't really go out with your sister sorry." i wasn't quite sure where he got that idea from but it was most certainly the wrong one.

"no no no! not you.i mean you are way way way way way to good for yasmin. she would corrupt and destroy you. but anyway,the person i am trying to set her up with is too nervous to ask her out so i wanted to know if you would like to go to the fair tomorrow with me, my sister and my friend then if i left saying i didn't feel well and you had to take me home then we could leave my friend and yasmin together. so what do you say?" i was hoping he would say yes seems as this was the perfect way for sam and yasmin to have to spend time together.

"please please please! i'll do any thing you want." seems as this was important i decided to add some puppy dog eyes to the pleading.finally he gave in

"yeah sure."he said

"thank you so much i owe you one." he looked as if he was going to say something but the teacher walked in shutting us all up.

at lunch i found sam sitting out side. i walked over to him getting ready to tell him my new and improved plan.

"hey sam do want to go to the fair tomorrow with yasmin, josh and me." i asked.he looked hesitant at first but then agreed.

"sure.but what are you planning in that little head of yours."he replied.

"you know me to well. at the fair i will say that i'm not feeling well and for josh to take me home. then you and yas  will be left alone together." i couldn't wait for the fair now.and the fact that there will be candyfloss is just an added bonus.

"okay.but who is josh and are you sure you should be left alone with him?"he asked all worried.

"yes mum. josh is perfectly safe. in fact he is basically perfect."i was going to to enjoy being alone in a car with him.

"fine but when this fails then no more schemes or plans. deal."he put his hand out

"oh ye of little faith." i said shaking his hand.

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