Chapter 2 (New life,old me and modelling)

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'Shouldn't it be new life new me?' Well you will know it later. Let's get back to the story!


The next day(at morning)

Shouyou POV:(i used his first name)

I start to wake up because of the sun that blind to my eyes. I get up and stretch a little. I heard small snores I look who is it and see my little brother sleep while cuddle one of my plushie.i giggles of the cuteness and I start leave the bed to go shower.

After Shower

When I'm done showering I go to closet and pick some casual clothes but got interrupted by my mom suddenly come inside. I look at her until she said "hear wear this sho!" "Why I have to wear this kind of clothes and accessories mom?" "Just wear it and when you down go downstairs I have news." "Fine" I take the clothes and accessories. i hear my mom already leave. I wear the clothes and when I'm done I go downstairs.
(Shouyou clothes and accessories👇)

I go downstairs and see yoshiro already wake up but still have sleepy eyes while mom sit at the couch living room

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I go downstairs and see yoshiro already wake up but still have sleepy eyes while mom sit at the couch living room. I go to living room and sit in front of mom. I said "so what's the new mom?" "We're going back to canada!" "W-wait really?!" "Mhm! And this time your not gonna go to any public school or private school." "Them what about my education?" "Easy! We want you be back to your careers and your gonna have your own private teacher." I get up and start hug my mom. I said "thank I you!! Mom. When we leave?" "Today and all our thing I already packed yesterday." "Ok mom and let me make breakfast today. You and yoshiro can go get ready." "Thank you son. And yoshiro let's get ready." "Hai.... 😴" I go to kitchen and make breakfast while mom and yoshiro get ready.

When he done make breakfast

I already done make our breakfast. I clean the counter first and put the breakfast at the table.
(The breakfast 👇)

I sit at one of the dining table chair while play my phone

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I sit at one of the dining table chair while play my phone. When  I open my phone I got so many messages from yachi,and kiyoko. I open their message and reply it.
(Yachi and shouyou message 👇)

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