Chapter 9

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AN: Hey. So idk if you guys read all my stories or not but I usually have a posting thing where I update each story in a row. However due to popular demand, I think I will be updating this more frequently and the others less. On a related note WITH IN 24 HOURS AFTER I LAST UPDATED AND I HAD NEARLY 50 READS AND 5 VOTES ALREADY. THIS IS PURE INSANITY. I LOVE YOU ALL SO SO SO MUCH AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS CHAPTER.

Chapter 9

                    "Ellington, where are you?" I spring up and take my head off of Ell's shoulder.

He takes his arm out from behind. He grabs the remote and turns off the T.V, and he hands me the Romeo and Juliet movie case. I shove it under a pillow.

"Down here!" he says, quickly taking the empty popcorn bowl and shoving it under a blanket.

I hear the boys clambering down the stairs in their hockey gear.

"You really should have come Ell, we had the whole rink to ourselves." I hear Rocky say from up on the stairs.

They all come down and see me at the same time.

"What's SHE doing here?" asks Ryland.

"Gee Ry, glad you're so happy to see your big sis." I say.

"But really, what are you guys doing?" asks Ross.

"We were just watching some T.V." says Ell.

"Oh cool. What show?" asks Riker.

"Umm... Spongebob." says Ell as I say at the same time "Dance Moms."

They all stare at us. "Umm.. yah you guys probably didn't know this but Spongebob and Dance Moms did a crossover episode." I say.

"Really? I'm gonna have to watch that!" exclaims Rocky.

"But um.. don't bother searching for it cause it's not online." says Ell.

"Yup and they were only showing it on T.V once and darn your luck, you just missed it." I say.

They all just stare at us for a while before Riker goes "Okay..." (AN: I JUST REALIZED YOU CAN USE THE APP TO WRITE. I THOUGHT YOU COULD ONLY USE THE WEBSITE. DON'T JUDGE ME.)

"Well.. we're going to go home and change out of our hockey gear. Meet you guys there." says Ross.

Then they loudly clunk back up the stairs.

I lay my head back on Ellington's shoulder. "I hate this." he says.

I pull my head up. "Well gosh. Sorry for trying to be sort of romantic." I say.

"No, not that." he says pushing my head back down onto his shoulder.

"I hate that it can't be like this all the time." he says.

"Me too." I say.

"I just want the whole world to know how much I love you." he says.

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. The word repeats itself over and over again in my head. I get lightheaded and feel like I'm about to puke. Ellington loves me?

"You love me?" I ask.

"Of course I love you Rydel. Everytime I see you my heart pounds and I just want to grab you and shower you with kisses. If that's not love, then I don't know what is." he says.

It's silent. Do I love Ellington? It's all so new to me. I've never felt the way I do about Ellington to any other guy. Is that love? I think it is.

"I love you too." I say.

  I lift my head off his shoulder and his lips find mine. We kiss until I hear the door open.

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