Words of a teary eyed

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A little more time
Everything would soon be over
I said to myself
A little more strength
A little more effort
A little more sacrifice
A little more time
Overwhelmed by all the strange feelings
Confused not knowing what to do
I started to feel that part of me leaving
Slowly but gradually
Almost unnoticeable to anyone
I will revive that part once this is all over i said
I know i can do it
Torn between my passion and my career
What will i choose?
My career my future
My passion my happiness
I chose my future after all
I really wanted a beautiful one
Just five months and i will work on my passion
I will work on that talent
Things changed
Five months became seven months
Seven months became nine months
Should i give up on my career and choose my passion i thought
No ooo, i cant
Everyone would be disappointed
I could not choose both after all
My time was limited
As five months became eleven months
Soon it was over
I had to come back to my passion
That thing that brought smile to my face
That beautiful feeling
Not the feeling of love
But the feeling that proves a pen is mightier than a sword
Taking my pen in my hands
Writing and rewriting all over
As i tore many pieces of papers
It seems like its faraway
Maybe i overrated myself
It will come back with time
I was right
I continued
That story i wanted to write so badly was finally coming
And that imagination was finally running wild
But that did not last long
Ten thousand words later
The beautiful pieces i was creating died
As they crashed and disappeared
Never to be found again
Now rummaging through different things
With hope that it might return
It might never i know for a fact
But hope might change it i thought
That was one lie i told myself
I was too scared to face reality
A coward
A passion lost might never
Ever be regained
Had i come to terms to that reality sooner
I might have probably moved on
I do not regret choosing my career
But my passion might never be mine
And the joy from writing books might never come
I lost my weapon
The weapon of a writer
The power that which one who possess the pen has
It is gone
Might never return
My beautiful pieces of writing disappeared
The ones i cherished
Might never return
And now my heart griefs
And my tears know no bounds
Will my happiness ever return?
Will they ever?

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