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Grandma received them at the front door. As Jooheon supposed, she hadn't slept, out of anxiety by seeing him back home. She frowned when the car parked in front of her humble house, it was a black BMW, but its front was smashed as it had run over someone. She only calmed down when seeing her grandson in the driver's seat, parking the car, and helping a young woman at getting out of it. They walked to the house, and she opened the door before Jooheon could knock.

"Grannie" he looked surprised at her "You're still awake"

"Of course I am. Rapidly, come inside." She gestured to him, and then looked suspicious at the girl. It was the first time her grandson would bring a female home. And it was too late to be a good thing.

Although Grannie didn't like the idea, she gestured to Y/N too, giving her way to enter the house. When the door was closed, Jooheon finally sighed in relief and turned to Y/N, all his worries suddenly culminating in her. She was too shy to look up.

"Are you alright? Did you get hurt?" he asked, not minded about grandma's presence.

"My head is hurting a little bit, but I think it's nothing."

As she talked about the head, he observed it. She had a bruise above the eyebrow, where the flesh was already swelling. Grandma opened her eyes widely at hearing about getting hurt. The old woman rushed herself to the young one, taking her face on both hands and examining it carefully. She frowned at seeing the bruise.

"Did you run over her?" she asked Jooheon, who only negatively shook his head. "What happened to her? And this car? Why are you driving a BMW? This is not your car."

"I borrowed from a friend." He lied, moving toward both of them and getting Y/N's wrist. "Grandma, we need to rest. Right, Y/N? It's better if we sleep now. And you, grandma, please, go to sleep. I told you to not watch soap operas late at night."

"I can't help it when you're not here." She rumbled, looking so sad that he already wanted to go, again. Jooheon felt bad for it. Since she had to get out of the hospital, he was avoiding staying at home, because he knew he should make money to pay their bills. Before the CVA, they were always together, watching TV at night, doing his homework, when he was still a student. But now... Jooheon didn't know if they could return to the old days when he felt younger and more innocent.

"Good night," he said before he could see more of her sad face. Pulling Y/N with him, Jooheon entered his room and closed the door. The girl was quiet, yet, paying attention to everything.

"You have a good grannie." She said, taking some steps inside the room, not wanting to touch anything. It was a simple room, with nothing more than a bed, a wardrobe, and some shoes dispersed on the floor. It was definitely smaller than her own room, on Daddy's property. Probably similar to her family's room, where they lived.

Jooheon walked to his bed, taking off the boots and the shirt that was annoying him since the chasing. He had sweat a lot and now felt stinky as he didn't like to feel. He was in his own bedroom, getting comfortable. Isn't it natural? Jooheon laid on his bed and sighed again. For now... everything was good. He could talk to grandma in the morning. He could take the girl to her house in the morning. Even look for the closest police station in the morning. But now, he only wanted to fall asleep.

"Can I..." he didn't remember of Y/N's existence.

"Oh, sorry. You can sit if you want."

"Thanks" she sat on the floor, again, looking around very uncomfortable. Maybe she wasn't used to this kind of small, suffocating room. Probably, she's just thinking of running from him. Jooheon looked again at the bed and then to her. Wasn't natural that he'd offer his bed and go to sleep on the couch? She was a guest, anyway, and... she was wealthy. It was natural.

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