😆Amity native languague🇫🇷

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Amity pov
Luz have some fun to speak to me and the other in her native language, so it's my turn.
my family has a French lineage and I do speak French but my mother don't want me to speak my native language.
Can't wait to see there reactions!!
Luz pov
I'm waiting for Amity with Willow and Gus.
Amity: hey!
Me: hey Amity! How are you?
Amity: oh, je vais bien toi? (Oh, im fine you?)
I look at her confused
Me: d-did you just speak FRENCH?!
She laughed
Amity: je sais très bien parler français (I now speak French very well)
Willow: do you understand a world?
Me: no, I speak Spanish not French!
Gus: that's... weird...
Amity: oh n'insulte pas ma langue devant moi! (Oh don't insult my language in front of me!)
Me: Ami... sweetheart um... can you please speak something we can understand?
Amity: chaque fois que tu parle espagnol, je ne chiale pas (every time you speak spanish i don't complain)
The bell rang and we all go to class
At the end of the day
Me and my French gf was in her secret hideaway
Me: so... you speak French some time?
Amity: pas vraiment, ma mère ne veut pas (not really, my mother dont want)
Me: I still don't understand anything...
Amity: it's ok dont worry, I just want to see your reaction at me speaking my native language
Me: well... you like wan I speak Spanish right?
I come closer to her
Amity: specially wan you say how much you like me
I laugh and she smile
Me: Te amo Amity (I love you Amity)
Amity: moi aussi je t'aime Luz (me too, I love you Luz)
I kiss her and she kiss me back

Yep, let me speak my language x)
Let me make Amity speak French XDDD

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