Peaceful futur

882 16 14

Little AU of a futur I creat 🥰
Amity pov
I was looking trough the window, I can't do anything else anyway... I can't walk anymore.
I sigh and touch the window with my hand... this war did something to her...
She almost lost her right eyes when the oracle coven leader attacked her while she was paralyzed by one of the most powerful paralysis spell from the illusion coven leader, making her lost the ability of walking.
She now have a big scar on her eye and have to be in wheelchair... she hated it.
While she was looking at the view from her new room in the manor someone knocked in her door.
A- come in...
Em- hey Amity
A- hi...
Em- how my little sister is going?
A- bored...
Em- ah... yeah... why do I ask arg...
Emira close the door and walk beside her younger sister.
Em- you know today we have to go see the doctor...
A- I know that Em, I still have memory
Em- I know I know but...
Em go behind her sister and start playing with her hair.
Em- I know you hate going outside and well... hate going to the hospital...
A- I hate how the people look at me in the city...
Em- Am... you know you are still beautiful right...?
A- you only say that because you're my sister...
Em- Amity...
Emira hated seing her sister like that, she cannot see how much she's still a beautiful witch...
A- Im sure if she come back she would think the same thing... that im a weak and ugly witch...
Em- Amity... we already have this conversation, if Luz come back, she wouldn't stop loving you because of that...She doesn't care about your power or apparences, she love you because of you...
A- if you say so...
Em- come on now, we doesn't want to be late...
Emira take the wheelchair handles and go outside the room of her sister with her not showing any emotions.
Somewhere else
L- ok mami im ready to go!
C- Alright hija... you promise too come visit right?
L- I promise mami
C- ok ok, te amo hija...
L- te amo mami, see you! See you too Vee!
V- see ya Luz!
Luz start running to the abandoned house where she know who was waiting for her.
When she arrived, she see one of The person she misses the most.
L- Eda!
E- kiddo...
They both hug, with a big smile.
L- oh I miss you so much Eda!
E- me too Luz, damn you are tall now haha
L- yeah haha, my dad gene
E- happy to see that you are still the same tough..
L- me too Eda...
E- come on, Raine, Lilith, Hooty and King cannot wait to see you!
L- oh I can't wait to see them too!
The two women go trough the portal and arrived to the boiling isle.
Since the war against Belos, everything was way more peaceful. Witches can learn all kind of magic and the coven system isn't the same anymore. No one is obliged to be in a coven and if you join one, you can do all the magic you want!
Luz wasn't been there since her 14, she's now 19 and she's can't believe that she was back to the place where her second family lives...
E- come on ki
L- coming!
The both women start walking to the owl house where four person who was waiting for the human to come back.
L- guys!
K- LUZ!!!!
King, who somehow have wings now, fly to hug the human.
L- wowow haha King, since when you have wings? That's awesome buddy!
K- since when you are that tall!
L- hehe I miss you King
She say hug the demon close to her.
K- me too Luz...
Raine and Lilith both come join them.
Since the end of the war, Raine and Eda finally can live their love story in peace and Lilith well... she's still the bad girl historian she is.
R- Hey Luz, wow what a beautiful woman you become!
L- thanks Raine
Li- they are right, the look is absolutely stunning!
L- haha thanks Lilith!
H- Luz! I miss you!!!!
L- me too Hooty... I miss all of you so much! You can't imagine it!
E- haha I think we can
Li- yeah, and im pretty sure your friends miss you too
L- yeah! Oh I have to go see them!
E- go for it kiddo, just come back for dinner, with them if you want, we gonna celebrate your return hehe
L- perfect!
K- see you Luz!
King fly away from Luz arms and the human start running to the town, where see was sure to find her old friends.
She was running but still paying attention to what the city become. It's was way different, the city was full of joy! It's was beautiful to see for sure.
After a moment, Luz saw a little flower shop where she see three similar faces.
She smile and start to go on her way to the shop. Their wasn't have that much clients so she could see Willow, Gus and Hunter laughing with each other. Hunter and Willow was looking that was way more closer than before, something that Luz find funny. She open the door of the shop cause her three friends to stop laughing.
L- hey you three been a while ima right?
W+Hu+G- LUZ!
Willow and Gus run hugging her friend and Hunter was just smiling.
The old trio just hug each other.
W- oh we miss you Luz!
L- I miss you too guys, even you Hunter
Hu- haha miss you human
G- how have you been!
L- perfect like always! And wow Gus and Hunter you are tall haha
Hu- you are too Luz, im a little bit surprise haha
L- my dad was tall
Hu- I see
W- you want to stay? We doesn't have a lot of clients we could talk?
L- sure!
And they spend hours of talking.
Luz learn that Hunter and Willow was a newest couple since a few months( yes, I do ship huntlow, you can not like it just be respectful thanks.)
The conversation was cut by another familiar face coming to the shop.
W- hey Em!
Em- hey...
L- yoooo Em, you look tired you ok?
Em- L-Luz?!
L- hey
Em- oh my titan! You are back?!
L- yep and here to stay!
Em- oh that amazing...
W- how is she?
Em- still the same sad girl... but I think the new that Luz is back gonna make her smile
W- I hope...
L- who?
Emira sigh
Em- Amity... she's... she's change a lot since the end of that stupid war...
Just with the name, Luz blush.
Em- You have my command?
Hu- yep, im gonna go take it!
Em- thanks you Hunter, here.
Emira pay for her command
L- what do you mean by she change a lot?
Em- um... well... maybe it would be better that you see what happened by yourself...
Hunter come back with the command
Hu-yeah she have a point.
L- well bright me to her!
Em- alright come with me
And they both leave.
L- the flowers are for who?
Em- Viney, it's almost our anniversary so...
L- awww cute
Em- yeah....
The both women arrived to the hospital and only Emira go inside asking Luz to stay outside.
Luz was waiting outside when she seen Emira coming back with, Amity in a wheelchair.
L- Am..?
A- hey Luz...
The brunette didn't even want to look at the human because she was afraid.
Luz start crying and go hug the witch making her blush.
L- oh Amity... I miss you...
Amity start crying and hug Luz back.
A- I miss you too!!
Luz look at Amity face and whipped her tears before kissing her forehead.
Amity look at Luz.
A- you don't think that im awful?
Luz start laughing a little.
L- oh Amity... why would I? You will always be the most beautiful witch for me...
Amity blush and start crying even more. Luz hug her again.
L- there there... im here now... im not leaving you...
Amity was smiling but was still crying on Luz shoulder and Luz just hug her closer.
Em- I told you...
L- hey Em... Can I spend the day with her?
Em- of course! I have a almost fiancé to go see anyway!
Luz laugh when she see Emira run away with the flowers she buy.
L- well, now my awesome girlfriend, what would like to do?
A- just be with you Luz...
Luz get to the high of the witch.
L- im with you
A- I know...
The evening
All Luz's friends was too the owl house for celebrate her returns. Everyone was dancing, accept for Amity.
Luz was sad seeing her like that, and she got an idea.
L- hey Raine, can we play a slow song?
R- sure but why? It's not your kind of music
L- I know but I want to make Amity smile...
R- oooh I see I see, of course go get your girl!
After that, Luz go see Amity who was just there, in her wheelchair with Ghost on her laps.
L- hey Am... I was wondering if you wanted to dance with me...
A- I would love too Luz but I can't...
L- haha don't worry do you trust me?
A: yeah?
L- than...
Luz look at Ghost and the cat jump from the laps of Amity. Luz reaching her hand to Amity.
L- take my hand...
Amity take her girlfriend hand and this last one made her stand up.
Luz place her other hand on Amity's hip.
L-place you hand on my shoulder Am.
Amity did it with visible fear in her eyes.
L- there! Look at you!
A- Luz...
Amity place her head on Luz chest while the slow music start.
Luz start moving a little, she doesn't want to hurt her girlfriend at all.
Everyone was looking at them, it's been a while since anyone see Amity's smile like she do right now.
The young with had finally got her happiness back and even if her legs hurt like hell because she was up, she loved the moment she have right now with the love of her life.
After the song finish, the two lovers look at each other eyes.
L- I love you Amity
A- I love you too Luz...
Luz smile and kiss her girlfriend. Amity start blushing like hell but accept the kiss.
After a moment, their lips separated and they both look at each other before starting to giggles.
L- wow haha...
A- yeah...
Luz smile
A- Luz... can you put in my wheelchair now? My legs hurt like shit!
L- oh yeah! Sorry hehe...
Everyone start laughing and they spend the rest of the night having fun.

Too much words aaaaaah
Hope you like this little futur AU I imagine litteraly last night because of my insomnia-
1858 words

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