Ty Tennant-How you met

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Today's the day we've all been waiting for. It's Finally here. The very first Superwholock convention! It was an accident this happned. We all just happned to be scheduled on the same day, and so it turned into superwholock.  I'm here because I'm in the new winchester spin off of supernatural, I play Sam and Dean's  sister from an affair that John had. 

It's four in the morning. I should sleep for the convention in 4 hours, but I absolutely can not. I'm  just too excited! I'll just get some coffee in the morning like I usually do, and an energy drink after that, with a muffin. 

-Time skip-

We're at the convention center and we're almost ready for today. I'm bored so I decide to walk around and watch people work. It's busy and Chaotic but in a way peaceful. None of the fans are here and its just cast and crew right now. And the vendors are setting up they're booths. I  just stare at the stands because some of the charms that one of the booths are selling are super cute! I think whats even better is that they are homeade. I'm just standing looking at these charms in the middle of the ballroom, when someone knocks me over. We must have collided pretty hard because I'm light headed and I notice the strangers massaging his head. I let out a groan. But then to make matters EVEN better he trips over his long ass coat and the world turns into slow motion, his blondeish-brown frizzy hair flops up, and his eyes go wide, his  mouth opens from shock, then his body slams into mine and we fall. Me beneith him, and him awkardky sprawled on top of me. We stay like that, him crushing me beneath him for what feels like forever. But then suddenly he pops up and looks into my eyes, his forearms braced next to my face, and he grins, like he's on top of the world. His the grin is pretty fucking adorable. 

"Hi." He says in a English accent. 

"Hii." I stammer. I stare into his brownish-grey eyes. 

"Well this is awkward isnt it?" He asks. 

"yeah....I guess so." we still stare into each others eyes. Then finally he slowly gets up. He holds out his hand to help me up. I take it and he yanks me up so hard that our faces almost collide again. But they don't, We're inches apart. I can feel his breath on my cheeks. He looks down at me, I feel tiny beneath his  gaze. I feel my cheeks grow read from the hot air.  His eyes  flicker down then back up again and I feel my stomach flip. 

"Thanks." I stammer as I step back from him.  I brush my legs off.

"Sorry about that. This coats going to kill someone one day I swear." 

"I could have been victim number one!" 

He laughs. Its a sweet laugh. 

"I'm Ty by the way." 


"nice to meet you Y/N" 

He winks and runs off. I'm left standing breathless and late for my first panel. 

Ty Tennant/David Tennant one shots and preference'sWhere stories live. Discover now