He suprises you for your bithday part 1

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Sam Ackels-15

Ty Tennant-17

Hilly Hindi-17

Luna Padalecki-15 (Jareds adopted daughter) 

I'm sitting in ym room on my phone. I'm bored and I can't sleep. It's 9:00. Only four more hours till I'm 15. and at that exact moment I get a text from Ty. 

Ty:Hey :)

Ty:Happy almost birthday!


Ty:Look out your window


I get up and walk over to the window. And guess whos standing out side. Ty, Luna, and Hilly standing out side my window dressed as The Doctor, Dean, and Sherlock. I open the window and wisper shout.

"WhAts gOiNg oN?" 

"Pack an overnight bag we're going on an adventure!" Ty yells. I giggle excitedly and get a sweat shirt and jeans on. I then stuff a dr who t-shirt , jeans and socks into a bag. I get my converse on and stick my head back out the window. 


"Good! Now sneak out the front door!" I shut the window and tip toe downstairs. Careful not to wake anyone. I get out the front door and break into a run. I race over to where they were. I run into tys open arms and we hug. 

"Alright we need your help. The master, Moriarty, and Lucifer have teamed up to kill the queen! We need your help to stop them. Allon-y!" He grabs my hand and yanks me into the back seat of the impala. Hilly gets behind the wheel. and Luna yells "SHOT GUN." loud enough to wake the dead. 


"sOrRy. I'm ExCitEd." 

Then Hilly puts the car in gear and we speed off. I let out a shreak and Ty holds me close. I wiggle my hands out from underneeth his arms and put them up. I let the wind whip my hair in all different directions. 

-time skip-

We come to a stop. We're at the hope out door gardens. It's beautiful Theres art everywhere. How the heck we got in after hours I have no clue. We walk around and I see my favorite peice so far. It's multi colorerd and very vibrant. It's an explosion of color. We walk around for a while admiering the beauty. But before we leave Ty pulls me over behind another peice of art. He look's flusterd. 

"Sam I have somthing to tell you." He never calls me Sam. This must be serious. 


"I....I like you as more than a friend. I have for a while. " He bites his lip. 

"I like you too dork. I grab his hand and drag him over to the rest of the group. I don't ket go when we come to a stop. I look over at Luna who's wiggeling her eyebrows. I roll my eyes and we hop back into the car. We speed off. 

"We've pinpointed moriarty!" Luna says. 

"weeee!" I scream. Since shes up front she puts her hands over the seats. I wiggle my arms out from underneth Ty's and Highfive her. Then we keep speeding twards our next destiation.

-To be contintued- 

Ty Tennant/David Tennant one shots and preference'sWhere stories live. Discover now