How you met-David Tennant

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*Your in some collage dorm and you met David who's asleep on the couch in your co-ed dorm*

your pov

I get out of bed and look at my phone. It's 11:00 on a Sunday. I have ZERO classes until 1:30! So I guess I'll go sit in the dorm room until 1:30! So I guess I'll go sit in the dorm room until I have to go to class. So i put on a hoodie and sweat pants. I sneak out of my room and go sit into the dorm room to read for a few hours. I open the door and shut it. I see that there's a boy. A CUTE boy. He has brown eyes, short brownish blonde hair witch is covering most of his face. He's tall. He's got long legs that drape over the couch. So as not to disturb him I go and sit in a chair on the other side of the room. I read my book for a bit. But then I get hot in my sweatshirt. So I take my sweatshirt off but its so COLD in here! So I put my sweat shirt back on. But then I think that the boy on the couch might be cold too! So I go get a blanket off my bed and gently lay it on top of him. He subconsciously snuggles the blanket in which by the way still has my hand on top of it. So by doing so he takes my hand with him. I'm about to pull away but  I don't. I don't know why. So I sit on the floor and watch him sleep.

-time skip-

David's pov

My eyes flutter open. I'm in a dorm room but not my dorm room. But still a dorm room. I look around and I have no idea where I am. It looks like a girls dorm room. its got hoodies and flannel everywhere and some MCR shirts. It smells like.....cinnamon. Yummy. Homemade cinnamon rolls. I should really get up and leave. But then I hear a voice.  Avery pretty voice singing 'Hey there Delilah." I get off the couch and let my nose follow me into a kitchen type thing. And there's a pretty girl. Shes got long greasy brown hair. She's short and got a sweat shirt and sweat pants on. She's leaning against a counter top, phone in hand, fresh made cookie in her mouth. She seems very invested in her phone. Then I see them

"COOKIES!!!!" I screah. I run over and grab one. A yelp comes from the girl as I yell and shoved her over a little too hard. oops. She fell on the floor. 

"I'm sorry! So sorry!..." Then she starts laughing. I kneel down.

"Cookie?" I offer. She takes it out of my hand and takes a bite. I grab one and eat one.

"Yum." She says. " I did a good job." 

" yes you did." 


Ty Tennant/David Tennant one shots and preference'sWhere stories live. Discover now