A Crack In The Glass

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(Rosé - PoV)

I hate car rides...

Rosé grimaced while glaring out the window while she forced Lisa to drive to the airport. Motion sickness. 

"I brought some water for you if you need it, and crackers since I knew this would happen, being your friend for 14 years I would know." Lisa smiled proudly. "Mhm.." Rosé acknowledged. "So, are you familiar with the Kims, miss photographer?" "Eh." 

Lisa repeated in shock "EH?!"  

Rosé repeated once again, nodding her head and agreeing, "Eh."  

"MISSY THEY ARE THE MOST POPULAR BILLION-AIR-SUCCESSFUL-RICH-FAMOUS FAMILY IN ALL OF KOREA!" Lisa yelled a bit over comfortable volume. "Hey chill, just fill me in, geez. Miss over-reactions." Rosé said slightly annoyed. "Right well then here we go, they own a huge k-pop business and have created multiple popular bands today, they also are known for a family of models for huge companies. The two daughters are models for Chanel and Dior." "So yeah they are rich rich." 

"Rich Rich, huh?" Rosé says, barely listening. "Oh, also Kim Jisoo the older sibling is part of a popular k-pop band, with billions of fans all over the world." Rosé googled them up and once pictures came up, she was in shock. "Co-" 




Lisa turned over to Rosé, suddenly perked up. 

She is so hot... 

Lisa smirked. "I knew you would have that reaction, you dirty gay," Lisa said jokingly. "Hey, you can't talk you have dated like six girls." "Whatever- ah so you like Jisoo eh? She is pretty, me on the other hand, I can't wait to meet her sister~" 

"Please don't fuck her." 

"No promises~, and same for you." Lisa rolled her eyes in Rosé's direction.

Rosé blushed. "W-why would I- listen. I'm just here to take some pictures and get money, not fall in love." "....and then the wolves came," Lisa said ominously. 

"Wh- oh nevermind. We're here dumbass." Rosé rushed out of the car dizzily. Lisa made sure she parked well then grabbed her bag from the trunk and handed Rosé hers. 

                                                                 ~ Current outfits btw <3 ~

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Back to the story~

The girls walked through the bustling airport, with voices talking about any possible subject. High voices, low voices, screams from infants. Rosé hated this. She hated being in the center of any large gathering, so she dragged Lisa's arms through bag checkout and to a small random restaurant to eat at. Because damn, was she hungry. 

(A/N: Foodsé makes her appearance)

- Current time: 5:47 - 

Rosé fidgeted with her hands under the table, her thoughts racing. I didn't realize how risky this could be.. these pictures have to be perfect. I have to look nice, act polite, use all my tactics possible..... She started ranting endlessly in her mind until her trance was broken by Lisa's voice. 

"Nervousé?" She teased. Rosé rolled her eyes. "Yes, nervousé." She repeats dryly. "What's wrong then?"

"You know what's wrong! I'm doing a photoshoot for the KIMS!" Rosé grabbed her head stressfully. Lisa chuckled "You are just putting this together? Oh honey you've got a big storm coming.." Lisa laughed at her own choice of words. Rosé grimaced, but her mood lightened once her order of pasta arrived at the table. "Mmm!" she slurped up the pasta dish quickly, enjoying it, even though it wasn't high-quality pasta. Rosé finished her food. Then her mind went right back to the photoshoot.

"We have to board the plane." Lisa got up taking Rosé's hand and walking to the plane. 

"Plane A4 headed to Seoul is getting ready for taking off, passengers may all start the boarding process at the gate" 

The speakers rang. The girls arrived at the gate quickly, Rosé still snacking on chips she got from a small shop. 


- Current time: 6:03 -

|| Location ~ Plane ||

             Rosé looked out the window as if she was in her own world. Lisa, on the aisle seat, looked over at her, concerned. "Hey, Roseanne." 

She only calls me that when she is mad or worried... 

"Yes?" The blonde turned her head, fidgeting with her hair slightly. She looked at Lisa. "What is it?"

"I know you are worried, but I promise it will be okay. You are.. amazing at photography. Your work amazes me all the time. You will amaze the Kims and your work will go down in the magazines. I know it." She put her hand on the other girl's shoulder reassuringly. Lisa soon engulfed her close friend in a hug. 

"Thank you, Lisa." Rosé leaned back into her chair, now relaxed. "I think I'm going to sleep for a bit..." 

"Sleep well my rose."

The lie was that Rosé did not have feelings for Kim Jisoo.

That was the crack in the glass. 


Chapter end 

I hope you are enjoying this story! Updates may be a bit slow, but I am trying my hardest!

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