Part 5

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Mew decided that it was time for him to show Gulf that he really love him, that Gulf was and will always be the love of his life. After a quick shower, getting dressed, and for the second time in all these years working at the hospital as an intern, he called out. Reason? STATE OF EMERGENCY, his state of mind was in danger, he could not function now, not after knowing that he has broken his promise to Gulf, the person he loves the most. 

Determine to find the gift, Mew headed out, not caring that it was still too early in the morning and almost the entire city was still sleeping. Sitting on his car, he search for the best place to get it. After searching and reading reviews, he finally found the best place. 

It was 3 hours away, but Mew didn't care, it was worth it, he could do this and more for Gulf. After bearing that pain in his heart, Mew needed to find the best gift to sooth the pain away. Gulf deserves to be happy and Mew could help him get that happiness.

Back in the apartment, Gulf got up and quickly started his daily routine, it was normal for Mew to get out of the house before him. Being a resident doctor was hard and for that reason, Gulf hardly complains even when he desire to have more time with Mew. 

An hour later, he was ready and heading to work, it was a good thing school was a few blocks away and he uses that time to walk as a form of exercise. ["Good morning, love. Enjoy your day, see you tonight."] Gulf sent his daily text to Mew before entering the building.

Ping! Mew's phone signaled him that he has a text notification. He knew it was from Gulf without looking at it. Even when he was tempted to look and reply, he knew he had to wait to reach his destination. 

Mew finally found the place; the couple decided that Mew was a great candidate and agree to help him after Mew told them why he needed their help. It took Mew five hours to get back home, he stop to eat, rest and even buy a few supplies they will need.

Mew was back at the apartment, he decided to cook dinner. Something he rarely is able to do since he is so busy at the hospital.  Gulf opens the door and is welcomed by a mix of aromas emanating from the kitchen.

"Mew?! Gulf called out as he realized that Mew was home before him and even cooking. Popping his head out of the fridge, Mew greeted Gulf with a glass of champagne. "Hi, you are finally back, how was your day? Are you hungry, want to take a shower first?" Mew grabbed Gulf's school bad, dropping it on the sofa and handling him the glass.

Gulf looks surprised taking a sip of the sparkling drink and resting it on the countertop behind Mew. Gulf now realized the apartment is well organized and even background music could be heard.

"My, my day was the same like any other day, until now. I am a little hungry, yet. No, I don't feel like taking a shower right now, I would like to know, what's all these?" Gulf asked as he walks to the stove and see all the things that Mew cooked.

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