Childe - Foul legacy (Book Scrap)

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Work for you always took long. It included a lot of traveling. You were always tired, but the job was fun. Though you would finish only in days, it sure was rewarding coming back home and seeing your boyfriend, Childe waiting for you.

Yes, you knew about him being a Harbinger, which made it even more special to see him have time for you. You knew the dark work he does, but you know that it isn't his fault.

Work had taken 3 days this time, you were excited to be coming home.

On the way, you saw Zhongli, a consultant for a funeral parlor. You greeted each other, and you had asked him if he had seen Childe recently.
" Yes, yesterday, I believe it was him. Though he had been in a quite sticky situation." he told you. You wanted to ask what situation, but the man said it'd be best for Childe to explain himself.

So you continued onward to home. Walking through the streets in Liyue at night, at atmosphere was cozy. The soft lights made it a calm environment. You saw a traveler and some flying mascot climbing the roofs. A strange bunch indeed....

Nearing your home, you smiled to yourself. You wondered if Childe got anything for you. Because every time you went on a long trip, when you'd come back he'd have something for you. Whether it be flowers, a meal, or something else. It was a sweet gesture, yes. That's why you loved him so much. For his kindness and his devotion. He really is the perfect man.

Walking up the stairs, you took out your keys. Unlocking the door was strange, everything had been locked. Childe usually left the door open. Well, not that weird, you suppose.

You open the door and step inside, immediately you spot Childe and-

"Oh my God."

Well, Childe enough. Sure, it was Childe but... In his... Other form! He was just, pacing in the room. Good thing your living room was 2 floors tall, otherwise the ceiling would be broken.

He snapped his head at you, the orb in his mask shining.

"(Y/N)! -" Childe called out in his echoey voice.
He speed walked to you.
You looked up to him, you were speechless. Why's your boyfriend like this?

You put your hand in one of his gloved, razor sharp fingered hands. If Childe didn't have that mask on, he'd look confused.

"I..." You tried to form a sentence.
"What.. Happened?" You ask Childe.

"Ahaha... Well you see... I may have used my Foul Legacy transformation yesterday but, when I was done with the fighting, I couldn't revert back." Hearing him like this was weird, not saying threatening lines and just acting like everything is normal.

You put your hands on his mask.
" What a great surprise. " You said.
You swear you felt him shiver.

" (Y/N) I literally can't live like this-" he grabbed your hands and got them off his mask.
" I need help. Zhongli couldn't do anything, Aether couldn't, no one-"

You tried to pry his mask off. It didn't budge at all. Honestly you ripped so hard you stumbled.
Childe caught you by the waist.
"Already tried that." He sighed.

"What am I going to do... There's no way I can go back to Snezhnaya!" He put his hands on your shoulders.

"Hush Childe I just got back." You started to relax.
" Let me take a breath, help me relax a bit, I can't focus right now. We will think of something eventually. " You suggested him.

"Fine, whatever my (Y/N) desires." He huffed and crossed his arms.

You walked over to the couch.

"(Y/N) I don't think-"

"I've always wanted to cuddle with your Foul Legacy form." You blushed.


"Shut it and come over here."

Tartaglia walked over to where you were. Which looked really funny, considering that forms meant for fighting and the mans literally walking inside a house about to cuddle.

"I don't know how to-" He looked at his sharp ended fingers.

You went right ahead and hugged him. Or well, his armor. Childe sighed in relief and hugged you back.

"Can you feel my warmth?"

"Sure can, dear..."

you both sat down on the couch. You reached one of your hands into his hair, one of the only things left exposed on his form. You stroked it and Childe hummed in pleasure. You gently smiled.

His armor felt cold, yet warm at the same time. It was a nice feeling. His hair was still the same soft head of hair, thought in a different style.

Childe suddenly lifted you up into his lap and you didn't argue. You missed him. No matter what form he's in, you don't mind his affection.

You looked into his orb on the mask.
" I wish I could see the blush on your face right now." You giggled to yourself.
" Oh really? Well, I can see you blushing perfectly well." He supported his head with one of his hands.

"Shut." You kissed him on the mask.
You layed down on him, resting your head on his armored chest.

Childe put around his protective arms around you, engulfing you in a warm-cold embrace.

"Night night (Y/N)." He yawned in a deep tone.

"Night, my Prince Tartaglia."

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