Chapter 25 The Great Hall

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Lothar and his son were carried into the great hall. Empty plates, mugs and eating utensils from last night feast were simply brushed onto the floor as Lothar and his son were placed on adjoining tables. The court surgeon was the first to enter. Arnie was already conscious but was obliged to lay still until the surgeon could examine him. Lothar's tunic was removed as Eric continued to keep pressure on the bleeding wound. The surgeon then used retractors to hold the wound open and applied red hot bronze tile cautery instruments to close the severed blood vessels. Then using spatula probes the surgeon looked for other damage. The opium given to Lothar at the beginning of the surgery did little to limit the pain and his body lurched as vinegar was pouted into the wound. But Lothar made no sounds as the surgeon worked.

"This is my private surgeon," Sven said, "he studied in Rome and I trust him."

"I have stopped the bleeding,"the surgeon said, "the biggest danger now is infection. Vinegar is a good cleansing agent. I will close you up now but I'm going to leave a bronze tube in so any blood or pus can be removed. You can't be thrashing about so stay abed."

"How long?" Lothar asked.

"Two or three days at least," the surgeon said. "And no food until tomorrow, after that broth."

"How's my son."

"If he's anything like his father," Eric said, "he has a head made of rock." Arnie has heard the conversation and laughed then winced at the resulting pain.

"King Sven if I could see a priest, it's time I get baptized."

"Never to late old friend," Sven said, "welcome to the faith."

Several days passed before Lothar was well enough to travel. He had been running a fever and was delirious at times lucid at other times. He was speaking to Eric and Olaf. "Take me home, I want to die in my own bed surrounded by the woman I love and my daughters."

"We will take you home," Eric said, "but you are not dead yet. Karlie and her sister are empaths, I've seen them do marvelous things."

"Karlie hates me," Lothar said, "and I can't blame her. I had nothing to do with Jame's death. But if I believed some had killed a family member..."

"We were all friends as young boys," Eric said.

"Yes and I miss those times. I miss having real friends," Lothar whispered, "I could do so much better. If God would grant me another chance. You know I have three beautiful little daughters. I would like to seem them married. I would like to hold Eleanor again."

"Lets get you home then and see what can be done," Olaf said, "two other long ships will accompany us. Vada will be waiting."

"He is my son. No man may take his life. That is my decree. I love him and cannot allow harm but I will banish him."

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