Chapter 3

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"My truck is grey, we should see it it when we get out." Niall exclaimed as we walked out the shop.

I heard the jingle of the door behind me as I entered the quiet street.

"Thanks, Niall. That's reeeaaallllyyyyy helpful. Especially when we are surrounded by a parking lot packed with trucks." I said, my voice practically dripping with sarcasm.

He laughed and pointed to the right.

"It's one row over, beside the blue SUV." He assisted.

I spun my head in the direction he was pointing and spotted it near the Tim Horton's drive thru.

I turned and started heading that way until I felt a tap on my left shoulder. I spun my head and saw Niall, with his brows furrowed together like they do when he had an idea. What can I say? I'm observant.

"I bet you $5 I can beat you to the truck." He said with a smirk and a mischievous look in his eyes.

I decided two can have a good idea...

"I don't know, I'm tired and-" I started.
Then, when he believed I said no, I started sprinting as fast as I could towards the vehicle.

"HEY!" he complained, then started running.

I laughed. Big mistake.

Because when I laughed, I slowed down. And Niall beat me.

"Haha!" He bragged, and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Whatever" I said. I rolled my eyes.

"Natalie?" He asked guiltily.

"What?" I questioned, ready for a heartfelt apology for his ruthless bragging.

"You owe me five bucks." He replied, smirking.

Well, so much for a heartfelt apology.

I smacked him. I giggled at the pained expression displayed on his face while he rubbed his shoulder.

"Hey, look up." He said.

I didn't have to, because I felt the freezing snow on my face and hands.

But, I looked up anyway, and I was glad I did. The snow was blowing all over the place, and EVERYTHING was white. It was a big, beautiful, blizzard.

"Let's go" he said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

He opened the car door for me and helped me in, then climbed in himself.

"Can we listen to the radio?" I asked.

He looked over from the steering wheel. We were at a red light.

"Sure." He replied.

I turned it on.

All of a sudden, One Direction's 'Up All Night' blasted through the speakers. I glanced over at Niall. We burst out in laughter, and I turned it up.

"DID YOU, LIKE, RIG THIS OR SOMETHING?" I joked, yelling over the music.



"K" he screamed.

He started singing at the top of his lungs, so I could hear over the music. I stopped laughing and stared at him in awe. He was 10x better in real life, which was really saying something. I absorbed every single word he sang, permanently etching it in my brain. I applauded when he finished.

He blushed, smiling.

I looked out the window, and at the scenery.

We took the scenic route to town, which is over a big hill roughly five feet away from a rock wall. The snow was 2 feet high now, which was quite a bit.

All of a sudden, I saw a big heap of snow fall onto the road ahead from the top of a large tree.
The pile was at least 7 feet high.

"NIALL!!!!!" I screamed, panicking.

He adjusted his gaze from lingering on me to the road in front of us.

"CRAP!" He shouted, his deep voice bellowing out over the song.

We swerved off the road, miraculously missing the rock wall.

Unfortunately, we didn't avoid the 7-foot pile of snow. We went right through it, and kept going until the tires skidded to a halt.

We were directly in the middle of the snow heap.

I slammed forward, hitting my head on the radio. All I saw before I was swallowed by something somewhat like a black tidal wave washing over me was Niall by my side, his eyes closed, head resting on the wheel.

Then I went out.

Authors Note:
What will happen to Niall and natalie?
Continue to find out😉.

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