Lunch, Liam, and Lettuce

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Henry PVO 

Lunch Time 

Drew: "Guys I thought I saw Zoey with someone at the park yesterday, but when I asked her about it she said I was crazy and that she had been with Lia all day" 

Henry: "Well Lia definitely was with Zoey I tried asking her out but she said she was with Zoey" 

Liam: "You asked her out!? For the 100th time!" Liam laughed

Henry laughed nervously 

Henry: "What can I say, I really do like her" Henry lied

He stared at Liam as he laughed at him

Henry's Mind: So cute~

Then he snapped back into reality 

Henry's Mind: NO! you can't like him, he's your friend, besides dad would hate me, he probably doesn't even feel the same

Henry didn't really like Lia, in fact he was in love with Liam. Liking Lia was just an act, to distract them from the truth... to distract him from the truth...

After School

Henry had arrived at home

Henry' Dad: "Hey sport! How was school?" He rustled Henry's hair

Henry: Henry laughed "Fine, just" he sighed

Henry's Dad: "Love issues?" His dad finished 

Henry: "Ya how'd you know?"

Henry's Dad: He chuckled "Son when I was your age, I was always trying to get a girl! Of course all girls loved me and I was a bit taller.."

Henry: "Get to the point"

Henry's Dad: "Well anyway, I know you just want the girl of your dreams."

Henry: "Ya, the girl of my dreams..."

You see Henry could never tell his dad, well because his dad was homophobic and he would never accept Henry if he told him.

Later Henry was lying in his bed scrolling through pictures of Liam, his face hot

Henry: "Augh, why do you have to be so cute!?" He screamed at his phone

Suddenly he got a call

From Liam

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