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At the restaurant 

Henry PVO

He couldn't believe that his friends sent him to a nice dinner place alone with Liam. Everyone was gonna think they were on a date!

Liam: "Henry?"

Henry snapped back into reality 

Henry: "Y-yeah?"

Liam: "What are you gonna get? I am going to get the rib eye" He looked at him sweetly

Henry: "t-the Liams" Henry couldn't handle it

Liam: "What?"

Henry: "I MEAN, the salad, the steak salad"

A waiter came to their table 

Waiter: "Hello my name is John, and I will be your server tonight. Can I get you gentlemen anything to drink?"

(I'm gonna skip to after they ate and they are now talking)

Liam: "I noticed that you are acting a little weird, what's on your mind Henry?"

'You' Henry thought

Henry: "Oh well, to be honest, love-" 

Liam: "Lia?"

Henry: "y-ya Lia..."

Liam didn't believe him

Liam: "Henry, it's me, your best friend. You can tell me anything"

'Should I confess? Right here? Right now? Does he feel the same?'

Henry: "well I'm-"

Liam: "What?"

Henry: "gay"

there was silence

Liam: "Oh..."

The Waiter: "Wow, that was the most awkward confession I've ever witnessed"

Henry: "Oh my god-" He put his face in his hands, he was so embarrassed  

They left early. It was totally silent in the car until they got to their first light.

Liam: "So, you don't really like Lia?"

Henry: "No-"

Liam: "Why did you lie to us?"

Henry: "I-i"

Liam: "Oh I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, we will talk about when we get to your house"

At Henry's house

Jake's PVO

Drew and Jake were already at Henry's house, they had finished dinner with the girls.

'What's taking them so long?' Jake thought

'Maybe Henry confessed?!'

They heard the door open

Drew: "You two are finally home. What took you guys so long?"

Henry and Liam looked at each other

Henry: "Lets go upstairs

In Henry's Room

Drew: "Your Gay?! I had NO IDEA!" 

Jake tried to hold in his laughter 

Jake: "Y-yeah!" He snickered 

Liam: "I am still confused on why you lied to us?"

Did you confess? Jake whispered

NO!! Henry whispered back

Henry: "Well umm, my crush is in this group-" 

Liam: "I-it's one of us?" Liam blushed

Henry: "Y-yeah" Henry turned red

Jake: "Who?! Cause I defiantly don't know! HAHA" 

Henry glared at Jake

Henry: "It's-it's"

Everyone waited 

Henry: "DREW" Henry blurted out

Jake: "DREW?!"

Drew: "ME?!"

Liam: "D-drew?"

Henry: "Y-ya! Drew, oh Drew I have always loved you....."

Jake couldn't believe it, HE HAD CHICKENED OUT?! I guess he wanted a more romantic setting- 

Drew: "This is weird, I'm leaving"

Drew stood up and left

Liam: "S-so you like Drew?"

Henry: "Ya, Drew" 

Henry looked like he was about to burst 

Liam looked pretty sad too, but Jake wasn't sure why?  

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