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In the Morning 

Liam PVO

I wake up and see Henry is gone 

Was this all a dream? Did me and Henry never start dating?

Henry: "BOO!"


Henry falls on the ground laughing 

Henry: "THAT IS WHAT YOU GET! THAT IS WHAT YOU GET FOR THIS!" He points to his neck

I turn red

Liam: "I-i did that"

Henry: "No, the vacuum did, YES YOU!"

Liam: "So your mad about that, but not the fact I-"

Emily: "Morning, Sleep well?" Emily moved her eye brows up and down


I slam the door

Henry: "Yes, because this leaves a mark!" Henry crossed his arms

Liam: "Looks like I left my mark on you" Henry turns red 

Henry: "Cmon, we have to get ready for school"

I sighed and got ready

At School

Henry PVO

Me and Liam walk to school, I am wearing a turtle neck to cover up the hickey 

Jake: "Happy early birthday Henry!"

Henry: "Thanks!"

Drew: "Me and Jake, know you are probably gonna spend time with Liam, so me and Jake are gonna give you our presents early!"

Drew hands me a package and Jake hands me a bag 

Henry: "Guys, thank you!"

I hug them

I open Jakes gift, it was a shirt that says, "I simp for him" with a picture of Liam on it, and Drew gave me 1 million dollars (JK XD) Drew gave me some expensive shoes 

Jake: "What did you get Henry?" Jake asked Liam

Liam: "Oh, I haven't given him his present yet"

'Wait what?'

Henry: "Then what was all that for last night?"

Liam: "Oh- um" He was completely red 

Jake: "What are you two talking about?" 

Henry: "Two things, 1. Liam fucked me, 2. He gave me a hickey"

Drew: "Is that why you are wearing that ugly turtle neck?"


Liam and Drew argued about his turtle neck 

Jake: "So now you two fucked each other"

Henry: "I guess-" 

Jake laughed 

At home

Liam PVO

Me and Henry were at home, we were watching a movie and he laid on my shoulder

I sighed 'this is going to be really hard, I love Henry too much' 

I paused the movie

Liam: "H-henry?"

Henry: "Yes?"

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