Part 5

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After all the unbearable emotions, and my mind was in disarray, I bravely went to my mother's bedroom door and wanted to ask "Where's mom?" ,My mom just shut up and said nothing to me, maybe after this I'd feel dad's absence in life or maybe she'd think it was just temporary, and think she'd be back home tomorrow, the day after or when she's starving or running out of clothes. , is that what a mother thought. or because they've been together for a long time or vice versa, she actually feels very screwed up but doesn't want to make her family worry about this. Tomorrow I'm going back to this house, is that what i'm thinking? I don't know which one I don't care about. Or she's got a problem right now, we don't know, I can only wait now just like mom.
Two days later, dad hasn't come back and these two days I haven't heard that weird knock that's behind this old door, did you do that? Then why would he do that in the middle of the night and in every morning? What I saw was actually my dad and my dad signaling that I was leaving the house because this wasn't my family? Whether what's with me is actually a zombie or a human experiment that's not actually human but ah it's impossible to think what I'm doing, it's really weird to think like that.
In the morning, I opened my eyes straight to the living room where we used to gather. , and I still see the money that folded up in the middle of the table that my mother used to give me and I thought she was still there but she left early, I felt calm when I saw my brother, not as worried about losing the two people tunya maybe the most important thing my brother thought we could eat, we would live as normal and the money in the middle of the table just as i usually do to us means i'm still with us.

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