☀️-chapter 3-☀️

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-TW : abuse-

Technoblade was a piglin hybrid. You could easily tell. His naturally pink hair, his hove like fingers, his large tusks, his pointy and long ears, his red eyes. He looked a lot like a piglin. His hair was short and scruffy. He looked to be around 12 years old.

Over the years since he was 4 he had been bounced from home to home in the foster system. He was an orphan, but he wasn't the only one from his family.

His brother.

After they got separated because one family only wanted his brother. It hurt. He missed him dearly, but now he's alone and stuck with the shitty foster home he was in currently. When a family was done with him they'd give him back. They only ever cared about the money they got from caring for him. The government gave them money to take care of him but they never used it on him.
There were good homes but those were rare to come by. He felt so lonely. So lost.

The current on he was in was a hell hole. They forced him to do most of they're chores and if he didn't they'd hurt him one way or another. By physical or mental. Yelling and calling him names, to hitting him and starving him. He had so so many marks from them and was thin. He did most of the work but couldn't always do all of it sadly.

He couldn't go to school because he had work to do. He couldn't grow out his hair since they said boys have short hair. He liked to keep his hair long since his brother liked to braid his hair. They called him a monster, and abomination. Just because he was a hybrid. If he could chose he wouldn't be one and would just live normally and in a normal home. He hated where he was but couldn't do much about it. He could run away, fight back. But every time his plans failed.

But today, it wouldn't.

He had a full proof plan. Nothing could go wrong, and if something did, he had a back up plan. First he had to do the work he was told to so he didn't get hurt and slow him down.

Sadly his foster ''mother' came home early as techno was cleaning. She was so pissed she had slapped him across the face. It stung like bees. Tears welled up in his eyes, eager to escape. Boys don't cry, boys don't cry, boys don't cry. He couldn't stop he tears falling down his cheeks. Small streams flooding his face.

"Boys don't cry!" She yelled at him, striking his hand away from his face. "Get back to work, pig."

He wasn't a pig! He was a piglin! A neather being! He remembered the warmth of the nether and how red it was, but he was so small and doesn't remember much but that. Not even his real parents. Once the lady left. He started to get his plan in action. His room was in the basement, he had a red blanket and a blow up mattress and a pillow. That's it other than a small window and book shelf that was empty. He wasn't very strong but he tried to push the book case to the window but failed. He had his blanket wrapped around him like a cape. Maybe he could climb the wall? He tried his best to put his hoof like feet in between the bricks so he didn't fall and soon he was climbing the wall and squeezing through the window. And he was out! Free!

He ran, and ran, and ran. Ran away from the bad home, the bad lady, the bad memories, the bad life he had. He was free, he could be happy, he didn't have to worry. Techno didn't realize how dark it was and he didn't know the dangers of the night. He ran and ran from any sound out of fear. Hissing and groans came from the woods. Fear ran through his veins and through his feet, pulsing him forward and though the woods. Soon he broke through the leaves and needles and into a clearing of wheat. Golden stalks all around him with high up torches that glowed so warmly. It reminded him of his true home. He walked through the golden fields and up a hill. He decided on a comfy patch of grass to curl up and rest. It was under a tree with leaves of orange and reds. Almost muddied together into a puddle. Looking up at the stars he tried to count them all. His eyes began to heavy with every star he counted, soon his eyes closed and he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Word count : 800 words

Aaaaaye two posts in one night! I should sleep now so I'm going to do that. These two might seem a bit rushed so I'm gonna work on not doing that.

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