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wyatt's pov

i just sat there frozen for a few seconds and took a long gulp.

"y-yeah that's fine." ,i finally let out. i stood up from the dusty chair and looked at jack to make sure he didn't think i was a psychopath for going through with this. he gave me a "seriously?!?!" look and just shook his head.

"well c'mon, ramen noodles," joe said and gestured his hand towards the doorway. i nodded and walked out from behind the desk and out the door. i could still feel jacks eyes on me from across the whole hallway. at this point i don't care if he thinks i'm insane. i just want to get out of this hellhole and back with my friends. my family.

joe followed behind me and stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder.

"this door". he said while pointing at the closed door in front of us. "just wanted to say that caleb can be a little... well, y'know. different. but i feel like you already know that." i looked down to my feet and then back up to him, waiting for him to open the door because i sure as hell wasn't about to. "i just want you to know what you're getting yourself into when you get yourself involved in stuff like this with him." he quickly let out a breath and shrugged. before i knew it he reached his hand down to the knob and opened the door up.

"ladies first." he said while shooing me into the room. a quick look at the room and you could tell teenage boys lived here. clothes scattered everywhere, ashtrays on almost every surface you could see, empty liquor bottles scattered across the floor and numerous messes. it didn't take an idiot to notice and smell the rank aroma in the room. smoke circled the boys sitting on a lengthy sofa on the back wall of the room. over a dozen boys laid every which way on the sofa passing blunts to each other. of course, like the pack leader he is, caleb sat in the middle of the boys with a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants on.

i probably looked like an idiot just standing there saying nothing but what am i supposed to say in this situation? after caleb took a hit of one of the many blunts they were sharing, he glanced up at me with a sly smirk and just kept his eyes on me for god knows how long. after a little bit all the boys noticed i was standing there with joe and switched glances from caleb and back to me to see a, if any, interaction go on.

joe noticed the awkwardness and butted in, "soooo, i got ramen here for ya.", he said with an awkward chuckle and patted me roughly on my back. the room filled with small snickers and even caleb let out a small smirk at the nickname joe gave me. he passed the blunt to the boy next to him and sat upwards, spreading his legs slightly and resting his elbows on them with his hands folded into each other. without saying anything he lifted up his hand and gestured for me to come over. i hesitantly walked over to the other end of the room and stepped over the coffee table full with ashtrays and liquor. caleb stood up to where we were just inches away. he looked into my eyes and smirked before stepping to the side and pointing to the now empty spot he left. i slowly sat down on the sofa and relaxed by letting my back hit the couch. i didn't want to seem too scared or too nervous, it would make him think i'm way too easy to manipulate. i folded one of my legs up onto the other one, resting my left ankle up on my right knee. i then folded my hand on my lap and gave him a condescending look. he left out a small chuckle and reached down to the coffee table, clearing off empty bottles to make a spot to sit on.

he sat down on the cleared spot and ended up in the position he was just in merely seconds earlier, his hands folded with his elbows on his knees and his back slunched over. we continued to stare at each other for a few more long seconds while the other boys continued to get high off their minds and making small chit chat. joe stood in front of the door, almost like a bodyguard, watching me and calebs every move. the smell in the room was unbearable, but i kept a straight face and kept my eyes on caleb.

"so you want out." , caleb said, still not breaking the tension between us.

"that's the goal." i said with a straight face, barely lifting my eyes, making myself look as uninterested as possible, even though getting out of this place is my number one priority.

"we, well i could help you with that.", he replied, suddenly directing his eyes towards the bulge in my pocket. i gave him a confused look before he reached down and took the packet with the guidelines out of my sweatpants and took a quick glance over the front page.

"and how would you do that?" i asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"well, says here that there's things we could do to fuck up this stupid system and give you and your little friends your well deserved 'escape'." he replied, looking through each of the pages.

"yeah...and?" i asked disconcerned, not feeling like he's saying anything i didn't know already.

"damn, prince, little slow in the head?", he replied with a chuckle. the nickname made me wince, and my hands grip on tighter to each other, remembering jaeden. remembering what happened before i left. my lips pursed together, and he could tell the name pissed me off. he still smirked his annoying smirk and looked me up and down.

"so we break some rules to get out. how would we know it's 100% going to work." i said, still ticked off but wanting to forget the last few seconds.

"does little wyatt not trust us?" he asked and laughed cockily while looking to the other guys on the sofa. they all laughed of course.

"it's gonna work." he said with a straight face. he leaned in even more to where our knees were just barely touching.

"but before then, why don't we have a little fun, huh? maybe the next few days we get you and your buddies used to how things work around here. after all, you've barely got to see what ohio's like." i rolled my eyes and looked to the wall on the right of him, thinking this over. i started to bite on the gums inside my cheek, contemplating whether this is all worth it. but of course it is. if i do what he says i'll get to see my family once again. i looked back at him and stopped chewing my gums.

"ok." i said with a monotoned voice, trying to let him know that the shit he tries to pull won't phase me.

"alrighttttt." he says with a smile. suddenly all the boys started whooping and hollering, giving caleb high fives. i barely noticed they were listening in.

when everyone settled down, he said, "first, we start with this." i gave him a confused look, tightening the grip with my hands even more.

"hey, chuck." he said to a dark skinned, fairly pudgy boy on the left of him. caleb reached his hand out and grabbed a blunt from chuck, nodding his head in thanks.

caleb looked back at me and without saying anything, hovered the blunt a few feet in front of me, waiting for me to take it. i looked at him and then the blunt, trying not to think about this whole thing. before i could contemplate the whole situation, i gave in and took the joint from his hand.

i smoked a few times back home. i was 12, when i first tried it. i was with nic and owen, outside of the boys home. every other time i've smoked has been with them. they're the best people to smoke with. i miss it. they never pressured me into it, i just did it willingly. but this is different. i'm doing this to get out of here. to have a better life.

without thinking, i put the joint up to my lips and took a hit. i didn't cough or choke or anything, i just inhaled and let out a big cloud. hopefully not choking up didn't make caleb think i'm weaker than i am. more cheers came from the boys and caleb gave me a big smile. i glanced over to the half filled bottle of liquor sitting next to caleb and picked it up without thinking. my hands were going faster than i could think and suddenly i chugged the whole bottle, going back and forth between the blunt and the liquor. for the next few minutes all i could hear were cheers and shouts. before i got wasted, i caught a glimpse of joe. he had a serious look on his face. a look like this wasn't fun or a lighthearted thing that teenagers do. he knew something more about what would happen. i didn't think further into it. i just drank and smoked.

drank and smoked.

• • • • • • •
word count: 1570

date 12-9-20

lolol like always i haven't updated in forever but hope u guys enjoyed this chapter haha. also let's just talk ab how hot wyatt probably looked sitting on that couch 🧍‍♀️ anyways hope ur day was good!

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