Part 1 - The First Time

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Finally, I thought as I hoisted the last of my packing boxes into the apartment lobby of my new home. As I tried to balance the boxes and my new keys and tonight's dinner, the contents of the top box tipped precariously. I could see Soot about to free fall when a hand appeared catching him mid-flight! Soot is a stuffed owl toy given to me by my sister, who loves owls. Why she gave me one I'm not sure, but Soot is cute and fluffy. I followed the arm up to the face of Soot's saviour.

"Umm, thanks" I mutter as I am almost struck speechless at the man. Nice, I think to myself circumspectly, but to put it plainly, simply hot! I try to act cool and mature while meeting his eyes briefly.

"Heading up?" he asks, indicating the elevator. I nod as we both walk toward the opening doors and both of us step in. He deposits Soot back in the top box with a smile. I press the button for the 6th floor and he presses for the 18th. Gee, that's about the top I thought, wondering what it's like up there. We each stood silently as the lift slowly made its accent. I try to discretely glance at him - he was pushing all my buttons just standing there! And I can't think of a single thing to say to him!

Ding, 6th floor. "Umm, thanks again" I say as I exit and head for my new apartment door. I'm a bit bummed that I couldn't talk to him, but hey, I've just got here, hopefully I'll see him again soon if he lives here too. You never know!

Over the next few weeks I ran into Mr 18th Floor several times - he was already on the elevator when I was heading down, or collecting our mail in the lobby. The attraction I felt towards him was electrifying, and I was finding it difficult to remain calm and collected in front of him. Apart from some quick hello's, we hadn't progressed much further. I didn't know if he was straight or my way inclined!

Friday night and down at The Gallows with a few friends. It was my local pub, and just quietly also known as a gay bar. Yeah, it's pretty ironic, a gay bar named The Gallows! Thankfully we're not here a hundred years ago! My friends and I feel comfortable here, and we've had all sorts of fun here. I'm just buying my third beer for the night when I see him at the other end of the bar. Our eyes make contact and I see recognition enter in his eyes, as to the status of most of the men here. His gaze stays on me. I try to hold his eyes but my shyness beats me down and I drop my eyes. My friends call me over, and though distracted for the next hour or two, I keep looking for him, and our eyes keep meeting. I see him leaving with his friends, and my group also soon leaves. I walk back to my apartment building late, and as I reach to press the elevator button, who should walk around the corner? My heart starts to race and my intoxication gives me that added courage to talk to him.

"Hi", I say with a slightly flirty smile. He smiles back, studying my eyes and face. There is nobody around this late at night, it was just us two. I hadn't actually pressed the elevator button, I was a bit distracted! He walks up closer to me, touching on my personal space as my heart flips over with a little palpitation. I could smell alcohol on him too. He presses the elevator button and the door opens straight away.

"I'm Derek" he days as we walk in and press our respective floor levels. "Daniel" I say back. He steps right up to me again, I can hear our breathing quicken with the proximity, he leans down (he's like half a head taller than me) and captures my lips softly. "Hi Daniel" he whispers as the elevator rises. This kiss was sweet and scintillating and just a taste. I try to control my excitement as he lifts his head back up.

"Mmmmmm", I hear as he meets my eyes again, almost studying my face and coming to a decision. "Are you up for some fun?" he asks me. I smile and raise my eyebrows. "Tomorrow night, come up to my place, 7pm-ish. I'm in 1805". I nod my head in acknowledgment, thoroughly tongue-tied now.

The elevator has reached my floor and the doors open. "Tomorrow, 7pm, 1805" I repeat a bit gobsmacked but coherent and nod as I exit. I make it back to my apartment and OMG! What just happened? I haven't lived here long and I've just been propositioned! Nothing like this has ever happened to me, but if this is what living in the big city is like, I can certainly be the grown up now.

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