Chapter 26: Real Party

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In just a few weeks, Irene and Seulgi’s wedding transpired. It was a simple one because the couple wanted it that way so only their family, relatives, and friends were invited.

“When are you going to ask Jen to marry you?” Jisoo asked as she sipped her wine.

Nallalisa smiled. “I should be the one asking you when do you plan on giving Chaeyoung the ring? You’ve been holding onto it for a very long time now.”

Jisoo was surprised. “How’d you know? I never told nor showed anyone the ring, and I–.”

“And you lost it, didn’t you?” The blonde questioned. Jisoo hummed in response to the question. “Well, you see, Sergeant Dahyun gave it to me after the accident and I had it this whole time… I’m planning on giving it back to you as soon as you remember me but it’s hopeless so here...” She handed the small black box to the latter. “I did some research about the ring since it was so glamorous and found out that it was customized and hella expensive... Don’t waste it, dumbass.”

The purple-haired rabbit let out a sigh. “I know but even if I want to ask for her hand now, I can’t… I don’t want to be a burden and I can’t even stand on my own two feet, how will I be able to protect her and Luke.” She took a sip again as she gripped the box in her other hand.

“Hey you two, why are you both so serious?” Irene approached them, settling beside Jisoo.

“It’s nothing, just talking about how poor Seulgi will be living with your naggings every second of her life starting today.” Jisoo teased, making the girl growl. “Woah~ easy. You don’t have to rip my head off; I’m just concern as her friend… Anyway, congratulations.” She spread her arms, asking her for a hug that Irene gladly accepted. “I wish you both happiness and take good care of our clumsy Seulgi, sister.”

“Can I dance with you?” Irene requested.

Jisoo shook her head, ‘no’. “As much as I want to, I don’t want to ruin the fun by showing off my dancing skills while on this wheelchair.” She joked. “Ask this blondie instead, I saw her practicing some moves that I believe is to impress Jen.”

“What the hell are you talking about? I did nothing like that!” Nallalisa protested but before they can bicker, Irene pulled her to the dance floor. Jisoo smiled and showed her two money signs.

“Can I sit with you?” Somebody asked from behind.

Jisoo turned her head, seeing the most beautiful redhead to exist. “Of course.”

“So… uh, uhm…”

Jisoo chuckled. “Nervous Rosé is hard to see these days… What is it?”

“I just want to invite you to a simple dinner tomorrow. Uhm, it’s not a date!” Chaeyoung defended. “Janus wanted to spend time with you. You really got the children’s heart with your silly jokes.” She laughed.

“I’m a part-timer clown, I thought you know?” Jisoo stared directly into Chaeyoung’s eyes. “but is it just Luke who wants to spend time with me?”

The redhead blushed. “Uh– uhm, I want—”

Jisoo cut her off, teasing her. “What about Louis James? He can join us too.”

Chaeyoung bit her lips, “Ah, right. Yeah, sure.”

The purple-haired rabbit pulled the redhead on her lap, smashing her lips on the latter without warning. Chaeyoung got stunned especially when Jisoo started moving her head but then kissed back with the same intensity. It was magical.

Getting caught in their own world, they didn’t notice that everyone was watching them, not until Nallalisa shouted, “DAMN! THERE WILL BE ANOTHER WEDDING HAPPENING SOON!!”

“AND ANOTHER BUFFET!!” Momo second-emotion, gaining laughter from the people around including the two who just finished kissing.

Jisoo smooched on Chaeyoung’s forehead. “I know this is too fast… I didn’t even plan on doing this but as you can see, we are all aiming to have a happy ending in this story so, uh, what do you think of marrying me?” Showing her the ring, she continued. “Park Chaeyoung, my lovely Rosé, will you take me as your lawfully wedded wife?”

The redhead slapped her arm gently, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks. “I thought you’ll never ask! Of course, yes!” Jisoo slipped the ring on her finger and they kissed once again. Everyone cheered and congratulated them.

“ARGHHH! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO PROPOSE TO ME JEONGYEON!?” Nayeon hit the poor girl, repeatedly. “OR YOU THINK I’M THAT EASY BECAUSE I’M LIVING WITH YOU FOR YEARS NOW!” She kept hitting her. The people started laughing at how dramatic the pink-haired bunny was.

“Well, I told you just marry me.” Momo reminded, nonchalantly. She didn’t even budge even though she received a deadly glare from Jeongyeon.

“That will be the last time you’ll say that… I know you are in a relationship with someone we don’t even know if real but if you say those words again, I swear, I’m going to forget that you are my best friend.” Jeongyeon warned.

“Okay, this is enough! Way to ruin MY moment, isn’t it? It’s my wedding and, you know the spotlight should be mine.” Seulgi playfully rolled her eyes before clapping her hands, getting everyone’s attention. “I want to thank everyone for coming to OUR wedding. I’m so delighted that finally, I tied the knot with this beautiful lady beside me... And of course, I want to congratulate these friends of mine, it’s about time we all take our lives seriously.”


They let the music blared since they were in a private area. Waiters that were wearing only bow ties and shorts appeared, distributing alcoholic beverages. Thankfully, the elderly and all the children went back home since it was already late. Lucy and Charlie decided to end the night as well but before they left, they gave their daughter and daughter-in-law a good scolding about this ‘real party’.

Sergeant Major Kim Dahyun just arrived since she was on-duty earlier together with the I.T intel, Son Katarina, and another girl. They immediately approached the newly-wedded couple and handed them their gifts.

“Wait a minute, I think I saw you so—” Nallalisa didn’t finish her sentence because two loud voices interrupted her.


“You knew each other?” The blonde quizzed.

“We are working under the same entertainment,” Nayeon explained then she introduced everyone to the newcomer.

Jihyo nodded her head, “It was nice to meet you all, I’m Park Jihyo.” She bowed her head.

The girls continued the party, enjoying the growing circle of friends. Mina was talking to the pale-skin officer while on the other corner, Sally was teasing Katarina about a particular crush of hers. The blonde walked to them. She chuckled when she saw Katarina’s red face. “Let me guess, Sally’s talking non-stop about your crush who happened to be sitting right there.” She pointed but Katarina immediately swatted her hand.

“Can you two shut it? I don’t even have a chance with her and it just makes me sad.”

“Did you even try?” Nallalisa inquired. Katarina shook her head ‘no’. “Then how can you say that you don’t have a chance? For fuck sake, stop hiding on your mom’s skirt! Go make that penguin yours before it’s too late…” But was answered by a ‘no’ once again. “Aren’t you jealous? That pale-skin tofu is making Mina laugh like that. Come on be confident.”

“You talk about confidence when you can’t even ask Jennie to marry you,” Katarina made face before walking towards her crush and her childhood friend, not realizing that she pushed some buttons.

“I’m guessing the cub hit the jackpot, isn’t it?” Sally smirked. “You are moving too slow for someone who has a child now.”

“Pft, no I’m not.” The blonde denied.

“Oh come on, you’ve been with Jennie for a year and a half now, isn’t that enough after long years of waiting?” Sally sipped her drink. “I’m disappointed in you, Jisoo’s the turtle here but you’re way slower than her.”

“Tsk, how about you?! You are no better than me!” Nallalisa countered. Sally smiled and raised her hand, showing her the ring she was wearing. “HOLY CRAP! WHEN DID—”

“You know, Sana came here a few months ago since Chaeyoung is here and she decided to stay here with me for good so I asked her to marry me.” Sally's smug grin grew. “Now, tell me again that I’m no better than you.” She challenged.

“Fine! You win but how dare you not invite me to your wedding!” The blonde spat back.

Sally tapped her shoulders, “Now, now. Easy tiger. But seriously speaking Lisa, what are you planning? Do you even want to tie the knot?” Before the blonde can answer, Jennie along with Chaeyoung and Sana walked towards them.

“Tzutzu~” Sana cutely called, kissing her wife on the lips. Sally scrunched her face since the squirrel girl was oozing with the strong smell of alcohol.

“Nini!” Nallalisa shouted. The drunk brunette stumbled down thankfully she caught her. “You drink tequila?!” Jennie laughed, showing her a peace sign. Chaeyoung quietly sat on the chair and rested her head on her arms, wanting to sleep which Sana and Jennie copied.

“These girls are a pain in the ass.” Sally finished her wine before she stood up. “I guess I have to end my night early, I’ll take my wife home. Please tell the other girls for me.” Then she carried Sana, bridal-style, to her car and drove away.

Irene walked towards them while pushing Jisoo’s wheelchair.

“Sally and Sana went home,” Nallalisa informed.

Irene nodded in understanding, glancing at the remaining guests. “I think we should end this night as well. Kookie take Jennie, Chaeyoung, and Jisoo home.”

“Can you put Rosé on my lap?” Jisoo favored. Nallalisa nodded and did what she was asked to do before carrying Jennie in her arms. Irene pushed the wheelchair until they reached the van. The blonde placed Jennie in the backseat, followed by Chaeyoung and Jisoo.

“Be sure to drive safely, okay?” Irene kissed her sisters’ cheeks.

“Don’t worry too much and enjoy your honeymoon.” Jisoo tapped her shoulder.

“Yeah, I want a niece or nephew as soon as possible.” Nallalisa smiled then ran to the driver’s seat.

As soon as the van drove away, Irene went back inside the reception area and was approached by her other sister. “I’m going to take my Jeongyeon home, congratulations on your big day sister.” Nayeon kissed and embraced her. “Gosh, your idea of ‘real party’ is somethig else. Anyway, your drunken Seulgi is quite a mess.” She helped Jeongyeon to walk and went to their car.

The rest of the girls went home, leaving just the newly-wed and the catering service that was now cleaning up. “Come on now bear, let’s get you home.” She wrapped her arm around Seulgi.

The bear cupped her face as the smile on her face grew wider.“I’m so lucky to have you… I still can’t believe you’re my wife now.” She kissed her passionately. “Let’s go home. We still have a honeymoon to spend, get yourself ready my Bae because Kang Seulgi is so pump-up tonight.” She whispered before biting her lower lip, seductively.

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