Pulled Apart By Love

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Bella packed a bag with not really anything. She packed a pair of jeans, a sweater, and a tank top.

"I am going to Jacob's dad, is it alright if I stay the night?" She asked on her way down the stairs.

"Sure, just stay out of trouble and be sure to tell me this time when you are pregnant!" Charlie said in a joking manner. Bella smiled sweetly back at him, and answered sarcastically, "K, I will tell you the news tomorrow, when it actually happens!" she winked at her father and started laughing as she shut the front door behind her and stepped into the cold, dark night.

She got in her truck, and started the engine. A loud noise startled her, and she turned towards the passenger seat to see Edward staring back at her.

"You scared me..." She said worriedly. She didn't want Edward to be mad at her.

"Do you wanna at least go on a hunt with us?" another voice said from the back seat. It was Alice.

"Well, I was going to go to Jacob's, but I am a little thirsty. Do you guys mind? You're not upset with me, are you? Because if you are, even if you weren't, I am so sorry. I thought I knew what I was doing. Edward, you know I still love you."

"Only as a friend now..." he replied in a harsh, angry voice. Bella could tell he was upset, and he wanted to win her back. She didn't like being fought over, so she decided to change the subject.

"Where is Renesmee? Does she want to come along?"

"She's at home with Rosalie. They really like each other. I think it's because that was her dream when she was alive. To have a family of her own." Alice frowned at the thought. So did Bella. Rosalie told her the story.

"So how about we go, and maybe after I could-"

"You wanna come over? You sure can!" Alice shouted cutting her off.

"Please. For me Bella." Edward added. Bella couldn't decide if she wanted to go with them, or if she wanted to go to Jacob's house and sleep over. She never did like being pulled between two different things. She loved both of them, but she also loved Jacob, so she just thought that maybe she could go to hunt, visit Renesmee, and then go to Jacob's after Renesmee was fast asleep.

But then she sort of thought about that again, to see if the plan would work, because she knew it was hard for Renesmee to sleep. After all, she was half vampire, and a vampire can't sleep no matter how hard they try. It's physically impossible. But Renesmee most likely would fall asleep quickly if she went along on the hunt.

"I'll go." She put her bag down on the seat, and left the vehicle. She walked with Edward and Alice across the field, and into the woods.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2015 ⏰

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