Getting The Job Done

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Chapter One:

When Jacob heard the words come out of Bella's mouth, he knew it all along. His heart beat fast, and his inner wolf took over. He kissed her without hesitance, and she didn't push him off and break her hand while punching his face. That was a memorable incident.

Jacob liked Bella's plan, of letting Edward kill himself, but he knew that would lead to hatred between the werewolves and the vampires once more. He wanted the peace between them to last. They came up with a better plan together, and Jacob would be the one to tell the Cullens. Bella decided to be the one to tell Edward.

"Edward, I know you think you won, but-"

"What do you mean 'won'?" He cut her off. They were laying in Bella's new bed at the Cullen's house.

"You know how the two of us always had those nightmares about us not falling in love, one of us changing our minds about the other?" She sat up in bed. "I am so sorry, but I- well, I still love you deeply, but Jacob just finds my heart without trying. He makes me feel warm and loved. I can be with him without being afraid for my life." She stood up and Edward looked at her dumbfounded. "Although I have been changed into one of you, Jacob still loves me for who I am, no matter if I am a cold blooded blood sucker or a beautiful young girl. I-I have to go." She said these words quickly, but without stumbling over her words and without hesitating. What she said is what she meant, and she knew Jacob was right for her.

She ran away as fast as she could, which was pretty fast, seems how she was transformed into a vampire, and she sprinted all the way to Jacob's house. She didn't look back, for she knew that if she looked back that would bring bad luck.

Jacob met her at the door, and she fell into his arms.

"That was the hardest thing I've ever had to do," she said out of breath.

"And you won't ever have to do anything that hard again, as long as you're with me."

The next day Alice visited Jacob's. Bella and Renesmee were there, and Alice was upset. Obviously she'd be upset though, who wouldn't be? Anyway, Alice took Renesmee home, and Bella went to Charlie's house.

"Dad, I've decided to be with Jacob. I hope you're happy. I am."

"Let me tell you something," Charlie said in reply. "I will always be happy, as long as you are."

"Thanks dad. Also, I wanted to tell you that I am sorry. I have to tell you the truth about what happened between Edward and I. I had a baby. She is beautiful, and her name is Renesmee. A mix between Edward's last name and mom's last name. She grows really fast though because she is a- I can't tell you. I'm sorry."

"Can-can I see her...?" Charlie had tears in his eyes.

"Yeah, but I don't know if you'd actually want to, she's a- ugh I can't tell you or else I'll get in some pretty big trouble. I'll have to ask Alice if I can. Just don't freak out, please dad. And after I tell you what I have become, and what Edward and his family, and Renesmee really are, please don't tell anyone."

"Is it dangerous? I mean, if it is, you know I'm a police officer and it is my duty to keep Forks safe." Charlie said suspiciously.

Well, what they are is dangerous, but the Cullens aren't that way... and Jacob and his family are- nevermind, I keep saying too much. I know too much dad." Bella admitted sadly. " and dad,"


"I wouldn't want to get too much in to it, like interested in it, because it's so dangerous I almost lost my life multiple times. If it wasn't for the Cullens, and for Jacob, I probably wouldn't be standing here talking with you. They saved my life." She was crying, tears running down her face. Bella wiped her eyes and smiled at her dad. She hugged him. It was the biggest hug she ever had given him, and he loved his daughter so much. He was proud of her for telling him the truth, even after this long.

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