Introduction: Bella Changed Her Mind

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Bella opened her bright red eyes, but what was said on the movie was not true. She didn't feel alive, she wished she had gone to stay with Jacob. She could have been a wolf, alive, and warm with a beating heart. She wasn't going to tell Edward how she felt. She knew it was too late. Her heart had already stopped beating, and Jacob had already imprinted on Renesmee. She had to think of a way to fix this.

Bella's Thoughts:

I don't want to have to put him in danger, but it might be the only way. I have to jump off the cliff again, or something close to that, and Edward has to believe I'm dead. He will go to the vampire's leaders again, to be killed. I don't want him to die, but he might just have to.

Bella went on her first hunt, and enjoyed being with the Cullens. Her plans frightened her, for she didn't want to kill her relationship with her daughter because of the death and the divorce. She decided to just go to Jacob's while Edward was out with their daughter.

"Jacob, I have to tell you something," Bella said nervously as she walked into his house.

"Oh so now she decides to talk," Jacob laughed with a bragging smirk on his face.

"Edward's not here so don't be rude about it. This is very important. I need your help."

"I thought you were mad at me."

"There's no time for talking, they'll be back at any moment. I have to tell you quickly before Alice listens in on us."

"Okay, what is it? Just spit it out." Jacob replied a little curious.

Bella bit her lip and turned her head away from him. She was still afraid of the idea. She loved Jacob deeply, and he was right all along. She just couldn't admit to herself that she loved him more. But now she knew the truth, and she had to be honest.

"I love you Jacob."

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