Chapter 5

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Goodwitch: This can't be!

You looked at her, confused... But also sad.

(y/n): I'm sorry I've forgotten you... You seem like you're important to me... So my name is (y/n)?

Ozpin then watched as Glynda shed a single tear.

Ozpin: Glynda, I'd like to-

Goodwitch: I'm not leaving... Whatever you have to say to him, I'll hear it... I won't leave his side...

(y/n): ...You were my girlfriend, weren't you?

Ozpin and Glynda were in shock!

Goodwitch: So you do remember?!

(y/n): ....No... I don't... But judging by the way you're acting... I can tell that we were close...

She grabbed your hand.

Goodwitch: We still are.

Ironwood then walked in.

Ironwood: Good, you're awake!

Ozpin: James... (y/n) doesn't remember anything...

Ironwood: ...Oh no... I'm sorry I didn't get to him sooner.

(y/n): What you guys talking about? I understand my memory is gone... But WHAT happened?

Goodwitch: You don't feel any pain anywhere?

(y/n): I do...I feel it everywhere... But I'm asking what happened?

Ironwood: ...We don't know... I found you tied to a tree, looking like a blown up rag doll...

You tried to think, and remember.

Ozpin: If you try that, you could make it worse.

(y/n): Well I have to try something don't I?

Ozpin: Yes, but that may not be it...

Goodwitch: I have an idea... But it will take time...

(y/n): Well whatever it is, I'll try it...

Goodwitch: First, you have to feel better enough so they'll release you from the medical wing, then we can start.

(y/n): Alright... Maybe that could be today?

Goodwitch: Perhaps.

She looked back at Ozpin.

Goodwitch: What do you think?

Ozpin: Well, as long as the boy can walk, I don't see why not.

Goodwitch went to get the doctors... They ran some tests, and made sure you could walk... You had a little limp from your injuries, but you were fine for the most part... About an hour later, you were being released from the medical wing, right when students were walking out of class. You then notice a girl with black and red hair bolting towards you... You braced for impact, but Goodwitch stopped in front of you.

Goodwitch: Miss Rose.

Ruby: Aw, I was gonna tackle (y/n).

Goodwitch slightly stepped aside. 3 other girls came to the first one's side.

Ruby: How are you feeling (y/n)?

Yang: Yeah! I can't believe they let you out after just one day.

Blake: It's just nice to see you back on your feet.

Weiss: I agree.

You looked at all four of them, not sure what to say.

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