4. Kidnapped

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Sam was crying and everyone came to him.

Kiyu- What happened Sam why are you crying?

Bless- Did anyone of you hit him?

The kids were confused about why Sam was crying and were shocked.

Pri- Someone say something!

Sam *in between cries and hiccupping* - W-w-w-e went out wike m-m-mom dad to office.

Kiyu*shouts*- Out! Out of the house?!

Priya- Cam down girl.. He is already crying don't scare him

Kiyu nods and asks- Did you and amina go out like mom dad? 

Sam- Y-y-y-es 

Bless- Where is amy?

All the people look for Amina but do not find her.

Bless- Sam where is Amy?

Sam cries more and doesn't say anything

Kiyu*angrily yet calmly*- Kids if this is one of your game stop it right now.. we bees are not liking it.

Priya*calmly*- Yes Sam tell me where is Amy?

Sam- Bee we were out and 1 man come and take her wike it shown in movie.. kidnap

Bless*shouts- Kidnapping?!

Sam*scared*- Yes.. sowwie bee b-b-b-but i twy to fight them but he strong and he hit me i-i-i-i sowwie

and he again started to cry. Bless felt guilty and went somewhere inside the house.

Sam*between cries*- Bee, B bee angy fwom Sam? I pwomise i twy to take back Amy but man vewy stwong.

Priya- I know baby

Bless came back with a box. 

Sam ran to her and hugged her. She didn't hug him back but parted him away. He started to cry more

Bless- Shh Sam. Now I am gonna put this on your arm where it is hurt, it will burn a bit but it will be okay afterwards.

Bless said and applied antiseptic on the wounds of Sam. He flinched a bit but did not shout or cry in pain.

Priya- I am calling Bhai, till then you both calm down kids and take them in.

Before they do anything Grisa came back

Kyaaraa quickly took the kids into their room away from Grisa. 

Kiyu- Shh Calm down babies don't cry. Amy will come soon and will she like you all crying like this?

Sim- Bee I want Amy.

Kiyu- We all want Amy but we need to stop crying

Siva- Yes bee is right she does not like crying

Raghi- So if we stop crying She come? Devi no cwy..

Devi- babababa

Kiyu- Yes she will come soon

Sam- It is my mistake no bee?

Kiyu- No baby not at all Now I want all of you to sleep if you sleep, you will wake up in sometime and them you will find Amina

Kyaaraa somehow makes them sleep when she hears shouting. 

Kiyu- They will wake up.. They need to calm down outside.

She makes all sleep in a proper way and comes outside to find Grisa shouting

Grisa- Who the Hell destroyed my room. Nothing is the way I left it. 

Bless- Shut up right now! We can't find Amina she is kidnapped and all you care about is you fuckin room!

Grisa- I dont care who destroyed my room?!

Bless- You only would have done it to frame someone. Be quiet right now or you will no longer be in this house.

Grisa glares at her but keeps quiet.

Kiyu- What is happening why are you all shouting?! I just made the kids sleep. 

Priya- I have called Avneet bhabhi but she ain't picking up. Neither Sid Bhai is picing up!

Kiyu- Call Ri or Anu bhabhi

Priya- No they will tense more. Let me try once more

She calls Sid and fortunately he picks up

Priya- Sid bhai, Bhai come back please.

Sid- Pia?! Where are you? What happened?

Priya- Bhai I am at Ri's house please come back. All of you.. Avneet bhabhi, Ri, Anu everyone please come back.

Sid- What happened but?

Priya- You just come back please.*a sob unwillingly escapes her mouth*

Sid- Fine We are coming But don't cry please

Priya hums and declines the call.

Grisa has had this starnge emotion on her face which no one can figure out

SidNeet, RidNuska and Dev come back home in a hurry

Dev was shocked to see tears on Priya's cheeks. He ran to her and engulfed her in a hug.

Kyaaraa and Blessy went and hugged RidNushka and sarted crying. 

Sid- Priya, Bless, Kyaaraa what happened?

Anushka was rubbing back of Kyaaraa and Blessy 

Ri- Someone needs to tell what happened?

Grisa- Shall I tell? Why to ask? I am teeling... Someone destroyed my whole room and now it is in a very bad condition. I need renvoation for the room and you will punish the culprit.

Ri- I need the real reason they called us here.
*murmuring* my blessings to the one who destryed her room

Grisa*with attitide and bordem*- I couldn't figure out more than that Amina is kidnapped

RidNushka- What?!

They both part away from the hug and hold Blessy from the shoulders. 
Anu- Bless, is my Amy k-k-k-k-kinapped?

Bless nods her head and goes to hug Ri but he moves behind. Kyaaraa went and hugged Avneet tighlty.

Priya- All the kids were playing Ghar-Gjar we were keeping a check on them but for sometime we left them in the room, and after 20 mins Sam came crying, and we figured out that Sam and Amy while playing the role of mom and dad went outside and Amy was kidnapped. 

Dev side hugged Priya to give her dtrength.

Ri- What were you doing Blessy, that time when they went out?

Bless- Sorry Bhai, we just saw them playing ghar ghar and everyone was playing nicely. We had no idea they would go out. 

Avu- How is Sam?

Kiyu- He is very scared.. He got hurt when he tried to fight the kisdnapper but Blessy applied antiseptic

Avu ran to Sam but was stopped by Kyaaraa

Priya- Yeah.. all the other kids in the room sleeping

Dev- We need to think where is Amina

Sid- Yeah.. let me inform someone to cancel all the meetings today

Anu- Ri, I want my baby back.. bring her back I don't care how. Just bring her back please.

Whimpers were coming from inside the room of all kids. Priya ran in to see who was whimpering. It was devi. She quickly brought her outside 

Devi- Baba

Priya fed her milk and she slept again.

While all this was happening the least effective one was Grisa

Ri went towards Grisa and slapped her tightly

Ri*shouts*- Where is my Amina?!


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