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joy was going on and on about how much she hated me when there was loud banging at the front door. i knew they'd come to help me. "oh, your friends are here," she said. "goodbye, now, yeondong." i squirmed about, hoping she would miss. as soon as they managed to kick the door open, the bullet shot right through my right arm and i fell to the ground.


the moment we got in, joy had already shot yeondong. i screamed her name and ran past joy, towards her first. i used my shirt to hold her wound. she still had some consciousness but was obviously too weak to talk. "i'm here, don't worry," i cried. 

"aww, so sweet," joy's annoying voice rang from behind. she pointed her gun at me, "would you like to go down with her?" "not very much, joy," vivi interrupted, grabbing her by her throat. but joy still managed to point the gun at her. at that moment, ten and jennie had also joined. although jennie was limping, she still tried to keep attacking joy. 

joy obviously didn't realise that she was outnumbered. i looked down at yeondong, to see blood escaping her mouth. alarmed, i called out to jennie. she rushed over and changed over to her shrit. finally after what seemed like an eternity, the police barged in and the paramedics carried her away. 

the police were against joy for a while and finally tackled her. they put handcuffs over her and took her away. "you guys okay?" jennie asked with concern. ten laughed, "just a bit of scratches. does that girl ever cut her nails?" "i don't think so. i've never seen her cut her nails," vivi shrugged. i was walking through the apartment, looking at old photos, of what looked like joy's family.

"she didn't have it easy, either, to be fair," vivi said, creeping up on me. "her family was killed in a plane crash and she was the only one who survived. she had been a really angry person since we've first met but she always concealed it. when she finally became 'popular', she took out her anger on bullying others."

- time skip -

we were in the hospital, waiting outside yeondong's ward. her siblings were there too. her surgery had finished successfully but she still had to be isolated. after a long wait, the nurse finally allowed us to enter. yeondong was sleeping peacefully, a large bandage and a cast around her left arm. "oh no, she looks so bad. i'm gonna kill that bitch," johnny snarled.

it hurt me seeing her in this state. i wished it never happened. due to the whispers, yeondong awoke and looked around. she couldn't talk much, and her words came out very softly. she gave a sigh a tried to smile at us. i ran forward and kneeled beside her.

"hey, i'm here," i whispered. she raised her hand shakily, but failing. i just smiled at her and reached out to hold her hand. "you wanted this?" she nodded and gripped my hand tightly. "does it still hurt?" she nodded. "i...missed...you..." she slurred. i smiled, "me too. although it's only been less than a day."

"oh ew, we'll just leave first," jennie said. all of them trailed after her, leaving only me and yeondong in the room. 

"kinda wished for that," i thought aloud, wrapping my arms around her. she didn't move much but i could tell she liked it. "oh yeah, the doctor says that you lost a lot of blood. you're on medication now and you'll be stronger in a few days time," i told her. "go back to sleep, i'll be here." 

yeondong fell asleep, and i sat next to her, scrolling through my social media. just then, johnny re-entered the room, looking flustered. he came to me and whispered, "i don't know what's happening but our mother is here."

"what? she wants her kids back now?"

"i guess, i don't want her here but she's bawling her eyes out so i can't not let her in."

i left the room and jinny entered with another woman, who was probably yeondong's mother. i was kind of nervous and anxious that anything would happen, but i stayed outside with the others.

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