☠︎︎ Luke x male reader♫- First touch, first kiss.

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"Oh come on, you know you want to?" Luke smirks as he leans on the locker next to me. My cheeks turn red, I smile softly. "I don't know Luke, skipping school? When my mom finds out..." I say quietly so no one but Luke could hear. "If pretty boy afraid?" Luke smirks and says with his smooth voice as he teases me by the name. "Stop calling that" I say flustered.

"No can do pretty boy, now! Come leave with me, we can hang out, write songs" Luke stands off the lockers and puts his hand out, I look at it confused. "You know I can't touch you right?" I say closing my locker. "Yeah...But come on!" He gives me puppy eyes. I sigh. "Fine, but just this once..." I put on my jacket as he smiles bright. "Okay...Now, how will you get out?" He asks. "Oh, I know" I smirk and walk off as he follows me.

Once we where out the school, Luke looks at me with amazement. "Your literally skilled!" I giggle at him. "Not my first time skipping classes" I shrug. "And they don't notice?" He asks putting his hands in his pockets. "Well, they probably do but since I'm ahead in all the classes then the other students then they probably don't care" i smile. "Hmm. Well pretty boy, where we going?" He asks walking closer to me.

"Well, How about we go to my house? My moms at work" I look at him as he nods. "I can finally see your room!" He smiles like a idiot. "Yeah, but go in my stuff like you did to Julie!" I point at him as he puts his hands up. "No promises pretty boy!" He shakes his head as I giggle.

"And this is my room!" I say opening my bed room door. Luke just walks in and start to look at everything. "I knew it would be like this!" He says all exited. "What do you mean? You mean girly?" I sit on my bed. "Well, yes but no. You just seem like the type to have the star that only actors have" he says turning around and pointing to it. "Well I am a star" I smirk and he nods.

After him looking at all my stuff, we finally start to practice and sing. He would look at me with his eyes, making me always have butterflies in my stomach. "Running from the past, Tripping on the now, what is lost can be found" we sing together as he looks into my eyes. "It's obvious" we say singing softy's to one another. It's time like these where I always have a small hope that he likes me back.

"I-um" I look away from him and look at my pages. "Julie, she will kill the high note" I say wanted to get out of my awkward situation. "Yeah, she will." Luke puts his guitar down. I play my ear nervously, "Whats wrong pretty boy?" Luke asks moving to sit cross legged right in front of me. "N-nothing" I says blushing and looking to the side.

"You can't fool me, I know you like the back of my hand. When you get nervous, or stressed out, or almost anything you play with your ear." He smiles as I start to blush harder. My heart picks up, he noticed? "You noticed?" I ask and he smiles and looks me like I was kinda of stupid. "Of course I do!now tell me what's wrong" he leans closer. I look down at my lap.

"Well....There's this guy.." I say as he leans back. "A guy?" I asks like it was a personal question for him. "Yeah. I think he likes me back at times, but he might just be being nice to me" I sigh and crosses his arms. "Well, he would be a idiot to not like you. I mean you're amazing!" I blushed at his words. "You're just saying that" I say rubbing my arm.

"No, I'm not. You're the most amazing guy I have ever meet! You're so talented, you kill at everything you do! You're smart, your so fun and sweet, and care for the people you care about! And your so beautiful, don't even get me started on you're eyes" he says but then his face goes to a panic as he realizes what he said. "Y-you like me eyes?" I say touching my cheek.

"U-um yeah.., they are nice to look at" he rubs the back of his neck. "T-Thank you" he blushed. "Yeah..., so moving on" he touches my knee. "Your amazing and he's a idiot if doesn't see that" I smile and look into his eyes, but the my eye's go wide. I just stare at him. "Y/n?" He says panicking. I look down at his hand on my knee, his eyes follow and then he pulls it back. "I touch you!" He screams and does it again.

"I know!" I scream with him. He looks at his hand and then to my face. He looks to my lips and then back up, so before I could ask him what he was doing he kisses me. I was taken aback but then close my eyes and softly kiss him back, not moving at all. He pulls away just as quick as he kisses me. "I-I'm sorry..., look I have liked you since we first met. And I know you where talking about another guy, but I had to do that! I don't know if I will ever be able to do that again" he says still close to my eyes.

I smile and put a hand in his hair. "I've always wanted this" his eye brows go down. "Really?" I blushed and smiles. "Yeah, I've always want to touch you hair" I say as I look amazes by his hair. "Well, maybe I can Distract you.." he says leaning back in and kissing me. I smile and put my arm around his neck.

First touch, first kiss.

Julie and the phantoms x reader. Oneshots/Preference Where stories live. Discover now