Denki's Leaving? (chapter 1)

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This only made Bakugou a little bit more angry then he already was. "No it's not, I should've fucking stopped myself." "I told you that I wanted you to take it..."

The Angry Pomeranian's P.O.V

I just ignored what Pikachu said. "Yeah no, it should have been someone you loved. Or someone that your in an actually fucking relationship with." I don't even think he likes me, I mean why would he? "I..." I looked over at him a little before I got up. "Fuck, I'm going for a run," I then began to dress myself. I heard Pikachu shuffling around then heard him starting to dress the bottom portion of himself. "Didn't you want to spend the day with the bakusquad?" Yeah right, the way I am right now they don't need me. "Not when I can be my fucking self, you shits need better then me right now, so I'm going for a fucking run until my shitty legs give out." I was already dressed and headed towards the door. "Call me if I'm needed." Before I existed.

Denki's P.O.V

I wasn't really surprised that Bakugou would leave, but that one thought was still going through my head as I put my shirt on. However that thought was interrupted when my phone rang. Which I picked up, only to get yelled at by my father. I tried to pay attention the best I could but I could barely hear what he was saying. "I pulled you out. Pack your shit up and meet me out side of the gates once you're done." That was the only thing that was clear to me, and the only thing he said before he hung up. It felt like I stopped breathing for a couple of seconds. The last memory of Bakugou is just gonna be of him walking out of the room. I wasn't gonna see him, I wasn't gonna see 1-A again. I'm never gonna see my friends unless I bump into them on the streets. I took a deep breath before I walked to my dorm room to start to pack.

Once I was in my dorm I started to pack. I should probably leave some of my things here. That way the guys will have something of mine. I grabbed my suitcase and started to put my clothes in there, then I remember the suit that I brought just in case my mother needed me, so I packed that up to. After that I laid some things out for every in the squad. I looked at everything that I had out for the squad. A pikachu plushie for Mama Mina, the video game that Kiri always steals from me, the Spanish book that I took from Sero for some reason, and a blanket that I stole from Bakugou. I even wrote them little notes and gave them pictures of all of us together. At least they'll have something to remember me by. I checked the time then grabbed my bag, left my dorm, leaving my dorm door cracked, and started to leave. Luckily no one saw me which is a good thing because no one would question why I have my suit case with me.

I walk to the front gate and saw my father. He looked pissed, which was never a good thing. Once I walked over to him, he told me to put my things in the truck. So I did that as he got into the car and started it up. I placed my suitcase in the trunk, and turned to look at the school. However when I did I saw Bakugou, he was just staring at me. My father told me to hurry it up and get in the car. I only nodded a little, shut the trunk, got in on the passenger side door, then looked out the window. I only saw him for a second before he started to run back towards the dorms. He was probably trying to deny the inevitable.

Bakugou's P.O.V

That couldn't have been him, there's no way. He wouldn't just fucking leave like that, he loves it here. My heads just fucking with me. For some reason I walked to his room. Guess seeing that guy really fucked with me. Before I even knocked I noticed that the door was cracked, which wasn't unusual for him to do. I opened the door all the way to see all of his shit gone.

I turned around to head to Shitty Hair's room. However I bumped into him and the other two shits half way there. Dunce face wasn't with them. There's no fucking way he just got up and left. "Hey Bakubro? You alright man? You've been glaring at us for a good minute or so." I looked at weird hair with a more normal look before I asked, "Where the hell is Dunce face?" They only looked at me confused. So they literally don't know fucking anything about that. "What do you mean? We were just gonna stop by his dorm to ask if he wanted to hang out with us." Raccoon eyes told with a smile. That smile didn't seem to happy, it looked doubtful. They all soon had these worried looks on their faces, and left in the direction of Dunce face's room. I obviously followed them because who knows what they'll do in Pikachu's room. When I got there Raccoon eyes was on Pikachu's bed with Shitty hair rubbing her back, and Plain Face looked like he was reading something. When he looked up and saw me, he walked over and handed me something that was folded up. I obviously took it and opened it up, and what was on there only made what I was trying to avoid true.

Dear Bakugou,

You're probably gonna find this in a day or two, because you thought that I just wanted to stay in my room, but obviously that's not the case. I know you said 'call me if I'm needed.' But I honestly didn't think I needed to call you. I'm sorry that you have to find out by reading some letter, that you probably threw out or something. Uh my dad pulled me out, so I won't be in class anymore. I know you hate my dad, but he's still family so that's why I didn't call. Also sorry for taking your blanket, you can have it back, along with this and the picture of the Bakusquad. I know that you probably didn't want to find out like this but I have a feeling that we'll never see each other again so that's why I'm saying it here. I really really like you Bakugou, and I mean a lot. I might actually love you. But you probably like Kirishima or someone else, so I doubt that you would even care. Not that I'm saying you don't! It's just that, if you like someone else then you should go for it. They'll be really lucky to have you as their boyfriend. I'll miss you a lot, but hey at least you have one less person to keep an eye on in the mall or the arcade.

Your one and only, Denki Kaminari.

Third P.O.V

Bakugou looked at the letter, he almost broke right then and there. The guy that he thought didn't like him back, just confessed in a letter, but now he was out of the blonde's reach. Denki liked him so much that he left his things to help the taller male remember him. But what the blonde doesn't know is that Bakugou doesn't think he'll ever like someone as much as him. He wanted to Denki an idiot and a dumbass for thinking that he never had a chance with the taller male.

Bakugou just wanted to tell Denki that he did have a chance with him. And that he would be Denki's boyfriend. But he couldn't. He missed his chance to try and stop him from leaving. Now he didn't know what to do.

A/N: Hey so I hope you liked the first chapter. I literally almost cried while writing this, my friend almost cried when she read the letter part. So I hope that you didn't cry but if you did then I'm so sorry. Unfortunately this will not be the end of the feel for the need to cry. Also I felt bad so I made a story for all the bloopers for each chapter. The word count is: 1345 words.

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