5 |Nico/Jason

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Nico sat down next to Piper at the green and silver table. Across from him was the skinny boy that had tried to push Ron into the lake.

"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," the skinny boy said, he had a high voice and a permanent sneer, he and Clarisse might get along if she could tolerate him for more than a few seconds.

"Nico" Nico said, not looking up from his plate, it disturbed him how much the hat knew about him. No one knew that besides Jason and...  He felt a hand on his knee and looked to see Piper starring concernedly at him

"Are you okay?" she asked, No he wanted to say A random hat just learned my deepest secrets, I was sorted into the evil house and I'm still realizing that I have a crush on this really hot Apollo child that I might not see for months.

"I'm Fine"

"Okay?" Piper raised an eyebrow, he could tell piper didn't believe him but also that she wasn't doing that great

"Are you okay?" He asked her

"Of course she is," Malfoy interrupted "She just got sorted into the best house" from what the sorting hat had said Slytherin seemed far from the house but he didn't challenge the boy. His mind was still spinning to fast to put up an argument.

"I wonder where the bloody barren is," Malfoy went on, "My father said he normally greets first years, he's the Slytherin ghost you know."

He won't come by as long as I'm here Nico smirked, a clink clink of silverware on glass rang through the hall and the conversation was cut off.

Dumbledor pov

Over his long life Albus Dumbledor had seen many half-bloods, generally children of minor gods like Nemesis or more commonly Hecate enter the walls of Hogwarts. He had trained them just as he did mortal students and some had never known their true parentage. Today was a strange day indeed he thought. 8 half-bloods, and all children of the Olympians themselves. It couldn't be a coincidence that they came the same year as Harry Potter, he would have to have a chat with some of them sometime. Maybe the blonde girl, she stuck out as their natural leader. A quick clearing of a throat brought him back to reality and he hastily got up to make his speech

"Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!"

Jason pov

Jason stared sullenly at the food appearing on the table, around him kids were tucking in on roast beef and mince pies, heck even Percy was halfway through a blue sandwich.

"C'mon mate," someone urged him from across the table "The foods incredible!" he didn't look at the person pestering him, instead craning his neck to see if he could spot Piper at the green table on the other side of the hall

"You won't want to mix with Slytherins," the same voice told him warningly "There's a reason we sit so far away from them"

"Well, maybe that's just a dumb stereotype" he snapped, looking up to see who had taken the brunt of his anger. He found Ron from earlier looking hurt,

"I was just trying to help" he pouted

"Yeah I know" Jason muttered "I've got a friend in Slytherin is all"

"Oh okay," Ron said, happily passing by the subject "Now try the steak it's delicious"

"It really is" Percy encouraged from the other side of Annabeth "Almost better than the food at camp ha-oof!" Annabeth cut him off with a kick

"Camp Ha?" Harry asked " I've never heard of it, where is it"'

"Uhhh America" Percy stuttered "We met at camp Ha... in America" he improvised, gesturing vaguely to him Annabeth and Jason.

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