Chapter Twenty-Two

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           Pain shapes a woman into a warrior.



We laid there side by side in silence, tapping my feet together, a clear indication that I was nervous. Bruno was lying with one kneel up while his other leg was stretched out beside mine.

We didn't speak for a while; only silence filled the room. I couldn't breathe properly; I kept thinking he might say something to get me to start talking if my breathing became too audible, and although I knew he was anxious to hear what was in my mind, he didn't push me; he stayed still.

Bruno wasn't a patient man; the fact that he was lying on a bathroom floor without feeling the urge to get up and walk off said a lot about how much he must care about me.

"Are you okay, or would you rather we went to another room?" My voice shook a little; my heart trembled a little too when he moved his face to look at me. I moved my face as well to look at him.

"Im comfortable wherever you are, " he said in a husky voice, his eyes clouded with lust; mine must have been a reflection of his because his lips spread in a tiny smile, but then he moved his face from me to face the roof again.

"I don't know what is in your mind, " I said softly, knowing very well the conversation we were about to have, was about me, not him.

"I'm wondering what is in yours, " he retorted in a small voice without looking at me.

" I need you to promise me something, " I should have been ashamed of asking for something else considering everything he'd done for me, but he was the only one who could make what I wanted possible.

"Anything, except one thing," he said it like a promise he would never break.

"What?" I asked, curious as to what that might be.

"Spare Freddie's life, " he frowned as he stared at me in what I felt was a warning stare.

" I would never do that. " I snapped, somewhat annoyed that he would think I would ever beg for Freddie's life.

" I don't care whether he dies or not, " I stated with no feeling whatsoever. "But wouldn't you regret killing your brother?"

He shook his head, " I have two brothers, Tesoro mia, and Freddie is not one of them." he unswervingly said, rifling through his pocket for a cigarette.

"You know what I mean, " I insisted, exhaling loudly. I heard him lighting his cigarette, the smell of tobacco beating that of the refresher, but I didn't mind. I had been accustomed to Bruno smoking.

"I know, and I still don't care, " he muttered with the cigarette between his lips. "Now that we have established you're not about to ask me to spare your husband's life, what's the favor?

I hated it when he said it like that. I hated that he called Freddie my husband; sometimes I wished he could forget I was married.

I felt tears at the corner of my eyes; the grief surrounding me felt so suffocating I almost choked.

"Please don't call him that, " I whispered in a trembling voice; I heard him sat up, felt him reach out for me, and then he dragged me into his arms.

"Im sorry, " he muttered, placing his chin on top of my head.

"You're not wrong, but it sounds saddening coming from you."

"Okay, I will never do it again, " he said, making me another promise, another vow. I wondered if he was aware of it.

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