Chapter Thirty-Nine

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We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason.

                                ~ Unknown~


He held my hand as we walked to the dining room to find no one was there, and then we heard voices coming from the kitchen— Mia's melodic sound and Soph's throaty chuckle.

There was food on the dining table at the corner of the room, mostly ours because we were late for breakfast and everyone else had eaten. Luca run towards me, raising his little hands so I could lift him, I did and I was consumed by his laugh full of happiness and childish glee, his palms holding my face, eyes glinting as if he found something funny.

I still couldn't believe how great he looked out of his shell. The confidence he was beginning to have, the command he had with the other children, the love he showed them, and how much they loved him in return.

He was growing up in an environment I always hoped for him. I still couldn't get used to it.

Kissing him on his forehead, I passed him to his father because I was famished and needed something to eat. Making vigorous love with Bruno almost always left me wanting to munch on something.

I said hello to Mia and Soph, passing through them to sit on the opposite side of the dining table. They moved their eyes with me until I was seated, their knowing looks and smirks making me blush to the root of my hair.

"Stop that!" I groaned, buttering a toast, and then pouring cocoa into a cup of hot milk, ignoring them, acting as if I didn't feel my face burn up with embarrassment. Luckily for me, Bruno asked where the guys were, and Soph responded they were in the office.

"They left?" Bruno asked in surprise, walking towards me with Luca still in his arms, his head lying comfortably on his chest.

"No, home office." Soph clarified, and Bruno nodded, pouring black coffee for himself and taking a piece of Soph's homemade bread which was still hot.

Bruno loved food, it was interesting to see how much he enjoyed good food and Sophie was one of the best cooks I knew. Even though I could be considered a good one as well, I hated cooking, yet once in a while, I cooked for him. I knew I shouldn't carry the emotional scars Freddie gave me into my relationship with Bruno, especially since it was so pure, but it wasn't easy. Maybe I would be able to let go someday, to completely let go of the anger and self-hate I felt within myself.

Freddie made me hate myself, but I was beginning to believe that it wasn't my fault. I didn't do anything to deserve what he did to me, and I didn't have the power to stop it. My life with Bruno is also a new beginning for me, to start loving myself, to know that I could have a life outside my relationship with him. That I could find what makes me happy as much as Sophie enjoyed cooking or Mia's designer drawing. They had their passion, I envied that because I was still trying to figure out what I was passionate about besides Bruno and Luca.

I wasn't aware I was staring at my plate, momentarily frozen in time, lost in my thoughts until Bruno gently hit my shoulder. I sat up in shock, turning my eyes into his and then shyly averting them as I realized how much lost in thought I was. "Are you okay?" though he asked in a barely audible whisper, I heard. I smiled a little, nodding, he mouthed okay and then pulled himself on his feet and bade all of us goodbye as he left to join the other guys in the office.

Luca followed him, his little feet running to keep up with his strides, but he stood, reaching out his hand for his, I saw Luca place his hand in Bruno's large one. It was a beautiful sight watching them walk hand in hand.

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