Chapter 1

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'Dad! Why can't you come with me?' Bethany said to her really attractive smoking hot handsome father.

'Because', he said 'I doubt hogwarts would accept a 40 year old balding muggle who doesn't know how to do magic'

Bethany nodded. She had always wondered how her dad was reacting to the revelation that she would be going to hogwarts. Of course he was always aware she would be going there one day, but it wasn't really his world. After all, he was a muggle who worked in an office and didn't have a drop of magical blood in him.

'I'm gonna miss you' she said quietly. She could here her heart thump under her chest, it made her so anxious even just thinking about going to hogwarts. A new beginning one would say, learning how to do magic with people she doesn't know yet and away from the comfort and warmth of her fathers presence.

'I'm gonna miss you too' he said sadly. He had this look of regret on his face. 'C'mon give me a hug, I'm gonna need it after you leave. I love you so so much bethany.'

Bethany could feel her eyes beginning to water 'I love you too, dad'. She embraced him with a tight hug. She couldn't believe she was really leaving, that she wouldnt see her father for another 10 months. She thought she might bawl at the thought.

'Send me an owl often, yeah? And don't forget about me. Your mother would be so proud'. His eyes were sparkling in the with the ghost of his past. 'And be yourself. Many students have gotten to Hogwarts and gotten hooked on drugs, marijuana and alcohol. Listen, stop trying to be somebody else. Don't try to be someone else. Be yourself and know that's good enough. Don't try to be someone else. Don't try to be someone else, don't try to act like someone else. Be yourself, be secure with yourself. Rely and trust upon your own decisions, on your own beliefs. You understand the things I've taught you? Not to drink alcohol, not to use drugs. Don't use that cocaine or marijuana because that stuff is highly addictive. When people become weed heads they become sluggish, lazy, stupid and unconcerned. Sluggish, lazy, stupid and unconcerned. That's all marijuana does to you, okay? This is dad, unless you're taking it under doctors-um-control, then it's regulated. Do not smoke marijuana. Do not consume alcohol. Do not get into a car with someone who is inebriated. This is dad saying this, bye'

Bethany was a bit confused as to why he quoted frank ocean, but she just nodded and went on the train. She didn't look back.

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