1. Betral

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Izuku Midoriya has always been, slightly naive. He believed that every one could have a second chance. He has also always been a very supportive and understanding person. So the things that he had to go through to get where he is in life, isn't exactly fair. It wasn't fair that everything he has work so hard to build came crashing down on him like a heavy burden.

'Ugh, the extras can't do anything right.'  Bakugou was currently trying to teach his 'friends' how to properly sync in with each other during battle. He tried again, and again, and again till he couldn't take it anymore. "That's it!" He said in anger, "trainings done, you damn extras can't do anything right." He packed his gym bag getting ready to leave the training field until someone caught his eye.  Peppermint colored hair, two different pair of eye colors, and a scar tissue around one of his eyes. Bakugou had spotted todoroki, and the said male wasn't aware of the pair of red eyes looking at him from a distance admiring the way his body looked as he flexed. Bakugou stared for a little while longer before he finally looked away slightly ashamed of his behavior, the man had a boyfriend for fuck sake. When bakugou walked away silently cursing himself out for what just happened, he didn't notice that his green eyed, curly headed boyfriend has seen the whole scene and felt indifferent.

Izuku watched as his boyfriend walked out of the field angry and slightly frustrated. He also realized a that Bakugou had a little erection form in between his pants. Izuku looked away from Bakugou looking at Todoroki, not liking the feeling that developing within him when he looked at his best friend. Envy..maybe even anger. Izuku shook his head getting rid of all negative thoughts. He took a deep breath smiling brightly before deciding that he would bring Bakugou his favorite spicy dish. Thought ought to get the blonde happy, after a stressful training session.

The Next Day

Izuku felt nervous as he got closer and closer to Bakugou's room. He felt like his heart could be heard beating a mile away as he got closer to the blondes dorm. His anxiety left his palms sweaty and his hands shaking a bit. Trying to calm down, he shut his eyes tightly, taking a deep breath. He needed to do this, for him, for Bakugou and their fragile relationship.

When Izuku stood in front of his boyfriends dorm room, his anxiety skyrocketing as he
pulled out his spare key given to him by the male himself. He unlocked the door,  and twisted the door knob. With a closed eye smile he said "Hey I got you your fav-" a soon as Izuku opened his eyes he froze on the spot. He woke up today thinking it was going to be a good day, and that he could sort out the problem with his boyfriend. No, that didn't happen. Instead he got his boyfriend on his best-friend's lap, straddling him, while his hands are tangle in his best friends mismatched hair.

Bakugou was the first to realize the third presences in his his room. Emerald Green met crimson red. "Izuku it's not what it looks like," he said. Instead of a response back, bakugou witnesses Izuku drop the bag he was holding, and ran out the room with tears of utter sadness in his eyes.

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