Trama Trio

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A/N: Hey look at that, my brain finally let me write stuff again. Anyways, trigger warning for some people. Nothing bad happens,,, but people talk about it, so do with that what you will.

-Aizawa pov-

"What do you mean 'we can't have a search just based on this'? You heard the phone call." I try not to shout. Denki needs help. He's been falling asleep in class, flinching whenever someone raises a hand, and I don't know the last time I've seen him make eye contact with someone other than. . .

Shinso. Maybe he knows.

"I mean," Nezu starts, bringing me out of my thoughts, "That's just a phone call. It did sound troubling, but that doesn't mean everything. People have emotions. They may have just gotten terrible news before you called them."

"She sounded like she was drinking, with the way her words slurred together."

"And she may do that. Though it's not preferable to those around a person in that state, she was home with her husband, and I doubt she was expecting a phone call."

"She called him 'Kamira'. Even if she's drunk, I doubt she'd forget her son's gender."

This makes Nezu pause for a minute, "Have you ever heard the word 'transgender'?"

"I am trans, of course, I know what it is."

"Okay then, Denki might be trans. Have you considered that?"

Denki wanting to be a girl? Denki does get shy whenever anyone talks about his looks. "That could be a possibility, I guess."

"Well then," Nezu smiles, "Why don't we welcome him?"

"Yeah, that'd be a great surprise."

But still. . .

-Uraraka pov-

"So that's what happened?" I ask again. I could always tell something was up with their relationship, but I never thought it would be something like this.

"Yeah," Shinso answers to save Denki from answering. "Nice to see you back. You did great against Bakugo in the Sports Festival."

"Glad to be back and thank you for replacing. . .him."

"I'm just glad that I'm in the hero course!" He's avoiding it, huh? He must want to save me from talking about it. He's nice, Denki's lucky to have a friend like that the same way I'm lucky to have a girlfriend like Asui. If the situation wasn't so dire, I doubt my brain would let me think of anything other than her.

"I'm glad that you saved me from him," I say, bringing me out of my thoughts. I couldn't that day because my brain wouldn't work, but I owe him my life and more.

"Anyone would have," he reassures me.

"But you did, so I'll do the same."

He throws a questioning look my way, "I'm not the victim here."

"Maybe not, but can we at least be friends?"

"Of course."

"Hey guys, kero."

"Oh, hi Asui, can we eat lunch with them too?"

"Yeah, of course, kero. Denki, why are you sad?"

"I made a bet. I lost. It's simple as that."

"About what?"

"Jiro's been abusing me and Shinso and just stopped because I gave up and now she's going to out the fact that my parents are abusive jerks to the entire world whenever she wants now."

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