Every Storm Runs Out of Rain

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Trigger Warnings: the word dick is mentioned several times, crying mention, medication mention

Once Remy left it only took a few minutes for Logan to arrive, along with everyone. They badgered him with questions about how he's doing, explained everything that was going on (school was closed for the day, his bullies were being detained, someone else was playing the hospital bills, they'd be going to court sometime next week which meant Virgil doesn't have to attend, he just needs to make a witness statement), and then asked him the hard questions he had to tell Remy a few minutes prior. He'd very much like to forget that part, on the account that when he told them everything all of his friends were in tears, which in turn made Virgil cry with them.

Fun times.

At around 10:00 a nurse came in to check up on Virgil, deeming him well enough to to have the IVs in his left arm removed which was a relief. Later on Virgil's head started hurting, a dull throbbing becoming relevant along with the slight ringing in his ears. His eyes felt like they were burning from the bright room, as if he was staring into the sun, which caused them to water up.

"Can someone close the curtains," he mumbled after a few minutes, Janus getting up and doing so.

"Something wrong, Vee?" Remus asked, tilting his head to the left.

"Yeah, I have a headache the size of East Texas," grumbled Virgil, closing his eyes since the room was still too bright for him. He only opened them when he noticed a change, peeking open on eye to see the lights had been dimmed considerably.

"Right, you did get a concussion from the crash," said Remus.

"Feeling better," Logan asked softly, his voice very soothing and soft to Virgil, feeling like an ice pack on a feverish forehead.

"Yeah. Anything interesting happen recently? Were y'all able to finish practice?" Virgil asked in a low voice, the throbbing in his head and ringing in his ears fading, but still there.

"You got hit by a car. No we didn't get to finish practice, we were too busy balling our souls out for you to be bothered," answered Roman.

"Sorry about that," mumbled Virgil, playing with the hospital sheets and really wishing he head a hoodie with him.

"Well, in other news, Janus and I are dating," said Patton, everyone looking at them with a "since when? You're telling us now, wtf?!" face.

"In all fairness, we were planning on talking y'all, today, when we meet for lunch, but obviously that can't happen," Janus added.

"Well good for y'all. You're lucky Patton, you're the first person Janus has ever dated," smiled Virgil, Remus grinning as Janus sputtered and Patton giggled.

"Lucky me," giggled Patton.

Virgil smiled, giggling too when he felt a sharp jolt of pain in his chest, squeaking and wincing, everyone worriedly looking at him.

"You good?" Remus asked.

"Mhm. Surgery area is still a little sore," answered Virgil.

"I can see if the doctor has any medicine for that, would that be alright?" Logan offered, Virgil nodding. Logan got up from his chair, leaving the room to find a doctor or nurse that might be able to help with the pain. A few minutes pass completely filled with silence, nobody having anything to say and the silence soon becoming awkward.

"Well I'm bored. Wanna rank Disney characters?" Roman asked.

"Sure! Uhm, I'd say Jafar is first," Remus started, Roman raising an eyebrow.

"What?" the twin asked.

"We're talking about dick size, right. Cause if so I'd say Jafar is first and Gaston is dead last. He always gave off such chode energy," Remus explained, Patton looking like he's about to make his internal screaming become external, then he just solved it by hiding his face in Janus' shoulder.

"I mean, I agree, but- you know what, doesn't matter. I'd say Hades is in second place, he just seems like the type, ruler of the underworld and all," Roman agreed.

"Alright, alright, this train of thought is good. I'd place Dr. Facilier as a middle ground, I was getting mix vibes from him, but he totally was willing to fuck Naveen if it came down to it. Hook is closer to the bottom, he was just envious of Peter's size compared to his own, especially for a kid. Uhm, Frollo gets to be near the bottom," said Remus, caressing his chin as his thought.

"I agree with most of those, but how fucking dare you say Frollo has a small dick, that man has a strong dick," Roman snapped.

"No, but listen; he has a small dick because why else would he want a Esmerelda other than to force her validate his dick size," implored Remus, Roman pausing to think.

"Oh shit, you right," muttered Roman, Remus grinning.

At this point Logan had returned with a doctor who was going through the cabinets, taking out a bottle then getting two pills from it. They then gave Virgil the pills, along with a cup of water, then left with a quick goodbye wave.

"I'm sorry, did I miss something?" Logan asked Virgil while the twins kept discussing.

"They're rating Disney villains by their dick size," said Virgil, taking a sip from his plastic cup.

"Why did we pick out the weird ones?" Logan asked softly.

"Because life would be so boring if we didn't," answered Virgil, Logan sighing.

"You're right," mumbled Logan, pressing a soft kiss to Virgil's temple causing him to smile.

This turned out better than I thought. I think I got too carried away with the dick ranking scene...



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