i - bike fall

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Things almost always go awry when one's bored to tears, especially if it's a 5 year old genius stuck at home during rush hour at the Lucky Cat Cafe.

  Dragging your older brother to the park for a bike ride might seem like fun and games until you lose your footing on the pedal, speed down the steep hill ramp off track and crash into a tree all because you wanted to prove you would be fine without the training wheels and you secretly wanted to attempt the twist flip you caught some teenagers showcasing a few days ago (toddler Hiro thought that was the coolest thing on the planet).

  Needless to say, Hiro ended up wailing in pain throughout the whole piggyback ride home, Tadashi using one hand to steer the god-forsaken bike on the gravelly pavement, the other hand propping Hiro up for support. "You'll have to hang on tighter." Was his desperate plea everytime his brother's arms slid off his shoulders.

  "Hiro, stop squirming, I can't treat your leg properly if you don't hold still." Tadashi retrieved the first aid kit from underneath the bed and was gently dabbing at the fresh wound on Hiro knee with the disinfectant-soaked cotton wool. The gash wasn't deep, but the impact with the tree had dealt a blow to the boy's skin, and it wasn't pretty. A cut caused by a fallen branch dragged across the flesh, seeping fresh blood and accompanied by purplish-blue bruising.

  "It hurts!" Hiro half winced, half choked out.

  "Kinda serves you right. Told 'ya to wait up."

  "Yeah, but it was so cool going fast, you're just a turtle." The child stuck his tounge out at his older brother pointedly.

  "You sound exactly like Ethel. She might call your wound a 'mark of glory'." Tadashi chuckled, quoting his spunky, athletic friend directly, who had a thing for speed.

  "You mean your friend, that crazy girl who always rides her bike up and down without a helmet? She looks like the devil." Hiro retorted.

  It took of the older brother's will power to not give Hiro a good ass-whopping, and shot Hiro a dirty look, who laughed then flinched when Tadashi started applying sickly green- looking ointment to the wound.

  " 'Dashiii.....it's really painful..." The younger whined, tears dripping down his nose. He wiped it with hie sleeve and sniffled.

  Tadashi looked sadly at his brother, and suddenly he had an idea. His face lit up, and he abandoned his temporary nursing station on the wood flooring, running over to his desk over the other side of the room and pulling out a sketchbook wedged between a pile of textbooks and ripped a page out, the edges jagged and torn.

  "What are you doing, 'Dashi..." The younger groaned, flinging a nearby pillow at his brother. Tadashi blocked it with his forearm ignoring his brother. From where Hiro was, he could see the older scribbling and drawing something on the paper. "If you like to draw so much you should've took up art club."


  "Stop whining, little bro." Tadashi capped the yellow marker and crouched in front of Hiro, who was perched on his bed and held the large sheet of paper in front of his face.

  "On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?"


  Ten faces were drawn on the paper, each with varying degrees of emotion, coloured yellow, orange and red.

  Hiro sniffled. "One million zillion!!" He squealed, pointing simultaneously at all the faces.

  "That's not a even a real number." Tadashi sighed.

  "Okay....Hmm...six." The younger Hamada tapped the orange circle with a placid, emotionless face.

  "Hmm..." Tadashi set the pain scale on the floor and pulled out a roll of gauze, carefully wrapping it around Hiro's knee. "Better?"

  Hiro sneezed. "I still have a boo-boo here." He poked his elbow, where a prominent bruise stood out on his fair skin.

  "Aww c'mon, don't be a big baby."

  "I'm n...not..." Little Hiro whimpered.

  "Alright, alright." Tadashi said hastily. He rummaged through the kit and brought something thin and small out. "Hmm.... Maybe this will make it better?" He dangled a band-aid in front of his brother's face, the stretchy material decorated with various gummy bears, all different sizes and colours.

  Hiro's face lit up, glee evident in his wide, chocolate coloured eyes.

  "Gummy bears!" He bounced up and down on the bed excitedly.

  Tadashi peeled the paper off the sticky backing and stuck it on his brother's elbow carefully.

  "Yeah...sorry, we ran out of robot band aids."

  "It's okay! I love gummy bears! Thanks 'Dashi!"

  His older brother chuckled. "Anything for you, little bro. There, all done."

  Hiro was so absorbed in counting the number of gummy bears on hus band aid, twisting his elbow intently. He didnt notice Tadashi pull something out from the back of his jean pocket.

  "And for being a good patient, you get a lollipop." He held the stick out to Hiro, the crystal clear, cherry red candy caught Hiro's reflection.

  "Yay! Thank you 'Dashi! You're the best!" Hiro grabbed the white stick and tore the plastic wrapper off, sticking the sweet treat in his mouth.

  Tadashi pushed the first aid kit under the bed and sat on the bed next to his brother, ruffling his hair.

  "Dashimax can't deactivate until Hiro says he is satisfied with his care."

  Hiro grinned adorably and mumbled through the lollipop, hugging his brother tightly.

  "I am satisfied with my care, Dashimax!"

    Tadashi looked at his brother, who was happily munching away, as if he hadn't just had an accident, and he knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to help people. He wanted to be there for them.

  Like how he's always there for Hiro.

(A/N: AND THUS THE BRAINCHILD FOR BAYMAX IS BORN. I'm sorry, hahahaha. This will be emotional, i have a good plot in mine. Get ready for a feels trip! CHOOCHOO)








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