New Helluva Boss Episode came out!

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I just woke up

It's 7:20 in the morning (7:20AM)

And I just checked YouTube and...

A new Helluva Boss episode came out!

I think we all must to check it out

Maybe my second book will be having it in the future

I don't really know

I know this book has came to an end, but I couldn't help myself to not upload this announcement


I was thinking

Should I make another Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss story, but this time characters are straight or all female?

I mean about the second - there are hardly any male appears in Hell

So girls must to somehow get rid off of heat and other things by themselves

Until finally a male Human/Demon appeared in Hell

So yeah

Let's check Episode 2 and say our own thinking in comments

Hazbin Hotel x Human-Demon Hybrid x Helluva BossWhere stories live. Discover now