chapter 4

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After a delicious and filling supper, Rhapsody requested to speak with Dumbledore. When she got to the headmaster's office she was kindly welcomed in.

"How may I help you today, Miss Lestrange?" the man asked.

"Well, I'd like to request to switch houses," she announced, lifting her chin. She could have sworn Dumbledore had amusement painted on his face.

"I want to move to Slytherin. I haven't unpacked all my things yet, so I'm all set. And I miss my brother, and I want friends, and everyone in my family's been a Slytherin, plus I've only spent one night in my bed, and I can even wash the bedsheets if needed, and-"

"I'm afraid it doesn't work that way," Dumbledore interrupted.

"What do you mean? Surely you can allow me to!"

"The sorting hat doesn't change its mind. Besides, I believe you will do exceptionally in Ravenclaw. You can see your brother during the daytime, and I'm sure there are plenty of students in your own house you can befriend. And, Miss Lestrange, it's perfectly fine to be the first to accomplish something, even if it might be frightening at first."

"Sir, you don't understand, please," Rhapsody pleaded.

"My sincerest apologies, but there is nothing I can do." Dumbledore said, a small smile on his lips. Rhapsody wanted to hit the man, did he not see how much this upset her?

"Fine. Have a splendid night, sir." she snapped before leaving the room.

∗ ∗ ∗

Rhapsody was fuming when she got back to the Ravenclaw common room. Her friends were giggling together, spread out on the sofa.

"Hello, where've you been?" Vivian asked softly in that dreamy voice of hers.

"On a walk. I'm going to sleep, I'm rather tired. G'night," Rhapsody said hastily, waving at the three Ravenclaws before heading off, leaving them without time to ask any questions.

It wasn't fair, Rhapsody thought as she pulled the covers over her head with a humph. Why did stupid Rodolphus get everything his way? He got to be in Slytherin, he got to have friends, he was popular already, he got to be friends with Bellatrix Black!

His parents wouldn't be disappointed in him, only in Rhapsody. And she'd always known feisty little Rabastan would be sorted in Slytherin too, leaving her all alone. Nothing would be the same again. And now the old bag Dumbledore wasn't letting her switch houses! 

Did he not understand what it was like to know you're hated by your family, the people who are supposed to love you the most? Did he not know the punishments she would get, the names she'd be called? Rhapsody certainly did not want to go home, but she hated bloody Hogwarts already! How disappointing that she'd been looking forward to this day pretty much her whole life, only for everything to turn upside down within the first hour she'd gotten to this old rotten school.

She didn't know when she fell asleep or when Rowan and Vivian came up, but Rhapsody awoke the next morning to the first ray of sunlight shining directly in her eye. With a groan, she rolled over, covering her eyes with the fluffy duvet. Then she remembered there was class today!

∗ ∗ ∗

At breakfast, Rhapsody sulked, watching her brother have a good time with all his perfect little Slytherin pureblood friends.

"Why the long face?" Vivian asked, trying to follow where Rhapsody was staring.

"No reason."

"Oh, there's definitely a reason!" Rowan scoffed. "Are you looking at them?" The girl spotted the group.

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