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He looks up and smiles at her.

She blushes and kisses his cheek.

She backs away from his cheek and stops near his lips.

He looks into her eyes and -

•••• beep beep ••••

Leslie's P.O.V

I wake up to my stupid alarm clock going off.

6:30 AM it read.

I flip off my alarm clock and get ready for school.

I do my daily routine and head downstairs.

"Hey Butthole." My bestfriend Ayane says.

"Hey Yane." I say.

"Let's roll." She laughs.

I scream "BYE MOM, BYE DAD!"

"BYE" They yell back.

We both head outside and walk to school.

Ayane stops. I keep walking and don't notice until I bump into someone.

I look up and so does he.

"Uh-uh- Hi Leslie." Omar blushes.

"Hi Omar." I smile and blush.

Ayane just smiles and laughs.

"Soo.. How you been?" I say awkwardly.

"Good. You?"

"Same." I smile.

"Well I'll talk to you later? I have to get to Ms. Koppe's class. To get something." He winks and walks away.

Once he walks away. I walk back to Ayane.

She laughs.

"Ugh. Fuck you. You didn't say anything" I playfully glare at her.

"It was funny and adorable. And plus he winked at you" She laughs.

"Whatever." I playfully push her.

She just gave me the finger.

"JULIAN!" I scream.

She gives me a look and smirks.

I keep looking at her and give her a confused look when I tripped and fell on someone.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I say getting up.

I grab the person's hand and get them up.

I look up in the person's eyes.

"oh my gosh."

•A/N helloooo. this is my first fanfic on my account so don't judge my horrible writing. well anyways i might post the next chapter tomorrow. 😎 thanks for reading. 💖 •leslie

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