pilot - george

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George had never liked mornings. He was usually rudely awakened by the birds roaming the pasture and the sunlight making its way through his blinds, beaming straight on his face, prying at his tired brown eyes.

He groaned, then shook off some of the sleepiness still attached to him from the nights slumber. He unwillingly crawled out of his bed, and got dressed in the clothes he would wear for the day. Mother and father always nagged at him whenever he wore his sleepwear to breakfast, which he hated.

He grabbed his favorite blue long sleeve shirt and a white collared button up to layer underneath, then slipped on his favorite pair of navy blue trousers.

"Can't forget my goggles." He murmured to himself as he proudly picked up the white rimmed goggles off of his elegant nightstand, and placed them atop his fluffy brown haired head.

Normally, George was not excited for the daily family breakfasts, but this morning he was, because soon as he stepped out of bed and the final bits of grogginess were shaken off, he noticed a wonderful, familiar smell.

"Is that... cinnamon? Wait a second, it's french toast!" George whispered to himself in excitement as he ran down the stairs (almost missing a few) and down the hall to the dining table.

"It seems as though someone slept in this morning." Mother scoffed.

"I'm really sorry mum, I overslept by accident."

"Please don't make excuses, George. Now, eat the lovely meal the chefs cooked for you, before it gets cold."

'Whatever...' He thought to himself as he shoved a piece of freshly cooked french toast, coated in a thick layer of sweet maple syrup, into his mouth. Easily the closest thing to heaven that he was able to experience.


After a typical quiet breakfast with his family and large amounts of french toast and eggs in his system, he was ready for another boring day in the kingdom.

George wandered up the stairs into his bedroom, and scanned for something to keep him occupied. He was already aware of the fact that there was not much to do up there, but it was sure better than being around his parents, who would likely nag him about something stupid.

He had finished school in the summer and was bored out of his mind without it because he had close to nothing to do anymore, but aimlessly stroll around the kingdom, dig around his room for something that might entertain him, or go to the garden, admire the overgrown plants, and search for any sort of creature to admire that had wandered its little way into the secluded garden. Sometimes he wished he could be like those innocent little creatures, alone, free, and able to explore the world with nothing holding it back, like strict parents, for example.

That was it! After lunch he could ask his mother and father if he could spend some time outside today, and hopefully they would say yes. Although, he was late to breakfast which was a peeve of his mum's, so chances weren't looking high.


Lunch time had arrived before he knew it.

'Thank god.' George thought to himself as he made his way down the stairs and the carefully decorated hallway, hoping he's not late to yet another meal.

His parents rarely let him outside from post breakfast to lunchtime, so he knew he had to ask after everyone had finished their meals. And besides, the weather was usually a lot nicer by lunchtime anyway.

"Would you look at that, he isn't late this time around!" His father chuckled to himself, spooning soup into his mouth.

George just rolled his eyes, unamused, and walked over to the food wonderfully displayed on the massive dining table. He was never sure why they had such a large dining table, it could fit nearly 30 people, but it was just George and his two parents eating at every meal. Rarely did they have someone else eating alongside them.

"Mother, father, would it be alright if I go outside today? The weather looks nice and I really want to enjoy it while I can." George mindfully asked his parents as he poured himself some soup.

They just stared at each other, spoon fulls of soup in their hands, discussing an answer to their son's question without saying any words at all.

"Sure, son." His father answered, nodding at the queen who was sat next to him.

"Thank you father!" George cheered, then quickly finished his soup.

George ran over to the door (or should I say, walked. His mother hated when he ran inside the kingdom.) and secured his shoes on his feet as quickly as he could. He couldn't wait to finally escape this boring old kingdom. His parents hadn't let him go outside in a long while, so it felt nice to be let free for a moment.

Before he knew it, he was outside in the warm, comforting sunlight, and on his way to his special hideout, the secret garden.

Man, he should probably come up with a better name for the place.

(word count: 859)

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