Chapter 1

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Jess's POV


New York city.

As a child it's always been my dream to be able to live in a place where I feel free from the weight of life. Free within the chaos of a city with thousands of others who don't take a second glance at the strangeness of the day to day life.

A place in which to them, I'm a mystery. 

I've lived here for almost 2 years now, having moved over from Australian to pursue fashion and design, studding the art in which a person can express a message through clothing with out having to say a word.

Never been good with words.

Or feelings.

The sudden blare of music from the kitchen makes me advert my gaze from the large window in my room, groaning as I slump back into my bed trying to drown the sound out.

"Bella! It's 9am can you shut the fucking music off!" I yell as loud as I can so she can hear me through the walls, praying to what ever higher power that I don't have to deal with this so early in the day... on a Saturday.

"Jess," She opens the door, brown hair sitting neatly in a bun at the top of her head, smoothie in her left hand, "you need to get up and get ready. we're are meeting Rory at Beachwild at 10" Bella says brown leather set hugging her long legs and slim torso.

Fashion icon.

Bella and I met in high school forming a connection in an instant. She was one of the only people, besides Kendall, who stuck with me through thick and thin over the past 8 years. We've been a trio for as long as I can remember, acting as each others sisters at time, leading us to today where we all study fashion at FIT and share our 3 bedroom apartment in down town New York.

"For fuck sakes i'm up!" I groan as Bella continues to sing loudly, not letting me get the extra sleep I so openly need.

"Never a morning person" She mutters under her breath before leaving the room.

My room is me. It has a massive open window that is basically dented into the wall and has a kind of ledge that is deep enough to be a bench, that looks over downtown part of New York, also adorning a fire escape ladder outside which  creates a space of thought. My bed is situated in the middle of the room facing the window and to my left are my vinyls, hundreds that I have been collecting since I was 13. Opposite the shelves of music is my wardrobe with a door to the right of it that connected to the bathroom we all share through the three doors that are connected with it. One to my room, the one opposite the vanity to the living room and then opposite my door is the door leading to Bella's room. The exposed brick and wooden flooring of our apartment really makes it feel warm and homey and our constant years of saving and working really payed off.

I quickly shower, do my make up and brush my teeth before getting changed into leopard print low waisted flare pants and a leather corset top covered with an over size brown jean jacket.

As a student in fashion you can't expect any less of me.

"Took you long enough, here drink this" Kendall says with her head still turned to me passing me a cup of coffee. "Damn, you look hot. " she adds after turning around.

"I know, no need to tell me." I exaggerate my smile whacking her head afterwards.

"How affectionate." She deadpans.

"Okay we really need to go, finish what ever Ken is trying to poison you with today and get your asses out of the door right now." Bella sighs from behind me.

"Always on time miss punctual, sometimes it's fun to be fashionably late!" Argues Kendall playfully from the counter.


Beachwild cafe is the cafe down the street that serves the best ice tea and avocado toast in New York. It's a local hang out place for us to complete designs and essays while not in the apartment and it's a really nice place to just... think.

The brink interior and greenery that surrounds this place really soothes me and allows an escape from the city.

"Hey girls!" Calls a voice from a man strutting into the cafe.


Well he's a character.

We met at FIT in our first year and since then he's wormed his way into our little family and we all love him to death.

He grew up in New York so when we first arrived here he showed us around and made us really feel like we belong in this city.

Rory sits on the empty seat and we all greet him before Bella starts to discus out plans for tonight.

"Okay so Gigi has invited us to the club that her boyfriend and his friends have booked out for Halloween. The party starts at 11 so we will have pre's at ours at like 10:30 and will get there at like 11:30 by subway," Bella explains, creating a plan that suits her boarder-line obsessive need for organisation. "Jess and Ken have made all of our fucking hot ass costumes and we are doing to get fucking wasted and have the best night ever."

"Well someone spent their day planning this out." Rory adds making us all chuckle.

"How is Zayn anyways? I haven't seen him since Gigi walked fashion week." I add.

Yes we're talking about Zayn Malik. Him and Gigi met when she moved to London at a fashion show she was waking at, introducing us a few years back when she visited home again. 

Gigi is like an older sister too me, fortunately making Zayn like an older brother. Him and I instantly connected when we first met when he visited Australia with Gigi, he's genuinely a nice guy and has looked out for me for the 2 years they have been together and became one of my closest friends.

"He's good, him and the band are staying in New York for a few months actually while they are writing their next album. It's good for Gigi because she'll be spending the majority of the next months in New York for the VS show!"

"Sorry what!" Kendall spits out her drink, Rory and I moving away at the sudden manslaughter occurring in front of us. "Who was going to tell me she made the cut!" Kendall adds making me all snicker.

"Babe the list has been out for weeks, do you live under a rock or something." Rory jokes, taking a sip of his drink before returning his gaze back to his phone.

"Holy shit i'm proud of her, I need to call her and congratulate her right now." Kendall finishes after regaining her breath standing up from the table with her phone and frantically leaving the cafe to call Gigi.

"God she's something else." 




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