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Today was the day we were going to see Tewkesbury again. We were on the carriage on the way to Basilwether. From what I heard from Camilla, we were almost there. James sat next to me while Nate and Camilla sat across from me. I saw them flirting every so often and I made kissy faces to tease her.

I read most of the ride. It was about a three-hour journey from Lexington to Basilwether. Another fifteen minutes had passed, and we arrived. I saw Tewkesbury and his mother.

When we had pulled up to where they were I quickly rushed out of the carriage to hug him. He returned the hug and I heard him chuckle. I felt a faint tingle in my cheeks. I could practically hear Camilla, James, and Nate smirk. On the other hand, I heard my mother smile proudly.

I pulled out of the hug and noticed his hair was cut short again. It wasn't terribly short, but it was shorter than the last time. It could still grow long though. "You cut your hair?" I asked.

"Uhm, yeah," He nervously chuckled. "Mother suggested that I cut it. I also know you like it short." He said quickly. "Did you like my gift?" He quickly asked.

"Yes, I did! Look, I'm wearing it right now," I pulled it out. "I love it, but you shouldn't have!"

"It looks lovely on you my dear," Tewkesbury's mother said walking towards me. She grasped my hands and patted them.

"Thank you, But I think Tewkesbury had a bit of help." I smiled at his mother.

"You're not wrong, [n/n]," Tewkesbury rubbed his neck. I noticed that's something he did when he was nervous or embarrassed. I laughed while letting go of Tewkesbury's mother's hands.

I saw a gentleman and an older lady, older than Tewkesbury's mother, coming out as well. I assumed that must've been his uncle and grandmother that he's talked about. "Right, this is my grandmother and my uncle." Tewkesbury introduced.


All day, Tewkesbury's mother, grandmother, and uncle were busy wanting to get to "know me better." They were very shocked to find out I had an education, not a proper one, but I knew more than I "should have." However, they were impressed that I could speak two other languages, Spanish and French.

His grandmother, however, asked me to go on a walk with her in the estate. I was on my way to meet her right now.

I made my way to the garden where she was waiting for me. She was dressed in black. The majority of widows wore a black cap with a veil or a black bonnet. I walked up to her and bowed.

I raised my arm for her to take for support, which she linked her arm. She used her cane as well though.

"It is a beautiful estate you have," I revealed it to her.

"Isn't it?" She asked. "It has always felt like an honor to me. My family was given this part of England to protect."

"I understand. My father talks about protecting the estate all the time."

"You're probably one of those new thinkers. My son was a new thinker. I suspect my grandson and you are the same." I remained quiet, as she was right.

"What are your intentions with my grandson Miss Lexington?" She asked. My breath hitched in my throat.

"Your grandson is lovely," I said.

"But?" She inquired. I never understand how mothers or grandmothers know everything.

"I am not ready to marry. He is the perfect suitor. But we are still young. He deserves a chance at life." I told her truthfully.

"I admire honesty. I don't like liars." She confessed. "And what about you? What do you want to do?"

𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐀𝐬𝐤 (𝐓𝐞𝐰𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now