Chapter 3: As I speak behind your back

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"Yeah, she was saying that you're just faking for attention" she tells me.


"That's mean.." I answer.

She looks down at me with her big eyes.

"Are you ok?" She finally says.

"I mean, yeah, she has always disliked me ever since I told her to stop using mental illness to get anonymous messages" 

Always in everyone's business for no reason, i've changed, you haven't, yet, you've already decided my fate with your pack of goons protecting everything you say, even though I know now for a fact that nobody liked your negative, cruel comments.

I can't remember the last time I heard her name, it's like she's gone. Can't say I miss her or her hatred for me but I do miss the things I never got to tell her. It was obvious she wasn't ok, no 14 year old sits alone in their room and gets drunk and still manages perfect mental health. I hope you realize that the time you messed up I only tried to help, you aren't ok and I see that.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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