Chapter 14

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Hey guys I am SO sorry I have been extremely busy with school and being stacked with homework on my shoulders. Practicing for my final🙄 But here is Chapter 14.

Phineas POV

I still can't believe that Issabella has a a crush on me! Well....had a crush on me. She must hate me now for leaving her. Now I really have to save her! "Ferb are we prepared to go get Issabella!" I proclaim at my quiet brother. He gave me a thumbs up. "Baljeet I need you to get your tubes for any clues." I shot at him. "Okay I am on it." Said Baljeet as he walk excitedly to get his test tubes. "Buford is the DNA anylizer on the table. We will bring it just in case." "Why do I need to tell you." Buford grunted. "Okay guys suit up!" I shout and we start heading out the door. Oh shoot I just realized that we need protection just in case Eric wants to try something smart.😡 "Guys get some trash can lids." I commanded. Ferb saluted and went get trash can lids. "Why do we need trash cans dinnerbell? Asked Buford. "We need Trash cans for protection. Eric will stop at nothing to keep Issabella away from us! This is war." I said as I angrily punched the wall. Ferb came back with trash can lids. "Okay gang lets move out." I say as we started walking.

Pinky's POV

I hear the door click open. As the door opened it was Issabella's mom! And she was shocked. "It is Phineas and Ferb's platypus! what are you doing  here little guy?" Asked Issabella's mom as she let go of the door knob and picked Perry up. "Kdkdkdkd." Perry chattered. "Pinky you needed company too didn't you*sigh* I am sorry Pinky." She said as she rubbed my back. "I miss her too." Said Issabella's mom as her voice cracked.(I am sorry that I keep repeating Issabella's mom that must be annoying) I looked up to see Issabella's mom crying. She looks like a ghost. A ghost that wants to be forgotten. "Well I have a guest I will leave you two guys alone." Said Issabella's mom as she left the room broken. Broken again. "We have to find it. For me, Issabella and her mom." I say as I stand up. "I found a picture!" Said Perry as he handed the picture of Issabella to me. "Okay let's go." I said  as I jumped off of the bed and turned into form as Perry follows me. Yes! We got the picture! Don't worry Issabella we are going to save you soon. As we trotted down stairs we saw Issabella's mom and Doof chatting over a cup of coffee. Perry Chattered to get the two adults attention. "I must go now. I have more muffins to sell." Said Doof as he went to put his mug in the sink. Surprisingly he remembered our signal🙄. "Well thanks for for stopping by." Said Issabella's mom as she opened the door for him. Doof squeezed out the door and walked away. I nodded to Perry and the two of us snuck out of the backdoor. As we climbed out the backdoor we saw Doof back to his normal clothes(Without the lab coat). "Jeez you really didn't want to wear that costume didn't you." Said Perry as he chuckled. "What do you think?" Said Doof as he put his hands on his hips. Perry just rolled his eyes. "Okay guys now lets go back to the building." I commanded. Perry just gave me a thumbs up and Doof just nodded. Now we are off.

Phineas POV

We are walking to Eric's house with our heads held up high. Well except for Baljeet he is scared out of his mind. Sorry Baljeet but I need to tell Issabella that I like her. No! I love her. I was so deep in thought I ran into a street light. OOF! Gosh that hurt! "Phineas are you okay." Said Baljeet as he questionably looked at me. "Sorry I was in train of thought." I said as I shook my head to shake the pain away. I feel a hand on my shoulder I turn around and it was Ferb. "I know you miss her brother. We will get her soon. But if we don't hurry up and save her then who will?" Said Ferb as he heroically smiled and standed firm. You are right lets keep going. "Have you guys ever have that feeling where you think someone is controlling our life. Like someone is creating everything that is happening?" Asked Buford. "Buford you are delusional." Snorted Baljeet. "Guys we have a long walk we need a montage. Ferb." I said as I pointed at Ferb. *quirky song ends* "Wow that was fast." Stated Buford. "Well our readers needed to get to the exciting part." Quietly stated my brother. "Okay lets go from the chimney." I command. "What are we Santa Claus?" Said Buford. "It is our only way in." I shoot back. "How are we going to get on top of the roof?" Asked Baljeet as he tilted his head. Ferb pointed at a ladder. We all quickly and quietly tip toed to the ladder. "I will go first." I sacrificed. I stepped on the ladder. Every step is my bravery increasing. Every inhale and exhale. I finally reached to the roof. I closed my eyes. I pictured all of the memories of me and Issabella. When we danced in the New year's ball, us in Paris together. The beautiful face of her beaming like the sunshine. I opened my eyes I look behind me the gang staring at me. I nod to them. I turn around and I step on the roof. There is no holding back now. I walk closer and closer until the chimney was so close I can smell the burnt wood. I slowly sit in the middle and climb myself down. I finally make it down I am showered with black and my hair has lost that fiery red. I slowly crept out of the chimney and I tip toe to where Issabella is held hostage. Until something pierced against my skin. I wince it is an arrow. With a fine point too. I see another one coming at me I dodge. I get the trash can lid. A bunch start coming at me. It must be part of the trap! Once that fiasco was over with I had scratches all over me. But I am not giving up I am going to save Issabella if it is the last thing I do. I walk forward next thing I know I see a Harry Potter book swinging to me. I grab my scratched trashcan lid. The book striked the lid with a loud metal bang. My eyes widened. It was loud. Hopefully Eric didn't hear me. I was wrong. A figure walked out of the darkness with one wobbly arm grinning deviously. "Well well well. Lets see are you trying to steal my Princess. Where is your entourage?" He laughed. My teeth gritted. The room was spiraling with tension. "So you know. Issabella isn't here." Eric shrugged as he tries to hide his wince. "Looks like somebody is hurt. To bad you are so ugly that you don't have a girl to bandage it up." I taunt with a grin. He comes at me. I dodge it. I trip him. He fell straight foward on the ground. I picked him up by his shirt and threw him on the couch. "I don't want trouble just let me see Issabella!" I demanded. "Look in the room. She isn't here." He stated. I know he is lying. I enter the room. H-He isn't lying. She is gone. What did he do wirh her? Where could she be? Is she okay? My thoughts were a whirlwind. But all of a sudden I fell to the ground and everything went black.

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