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     "The time is coming, soon we will see if the multiverse will be consumed or saved" An ancient-sounding voice whispered. "Aye, soon," another voice replied.


     "I can't hold them off for much longer... The end is near!" An unheard voice said. Then darkness consumed them.


"When the core falls, the multiverse ends" said a short figure to no one at all. "Heh... at least I would be at peace... I would see my fallen friends again... oh well! Can't let anyone else fall!"


"The machine is ready, Doctor. Where will we get our test subjects?" Said a young woman, draped in a lab coat slightly too big. "I have 2 people in mind, one is already here, we will experiment on her first. I will go prepare the other one. He needs some... upgrades." replied an taller, older man.

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